
  • Serves 2
  • 10 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 7 Ingredients


Sick of the boring morning bacon and eggs? La Famiglia figured out the perfect way to jazz up you Sunday breakky. Make the familiar La Famiglia and visit: https://www.facebook.com/LaFamigliaKitchen

Ingredients (serves 2)

  • 4 slices La Famiglia Stone Baked Ciabatta with Garlic Butter
  • 100g mixed leafy greens such as baby kale, chard and/or baby spinach
  • To taste Salt and pepper
  • 4 eggs
  • 100g fresh chorizo sausage, removed from casing and broken up
  • 20g Manchego cheese, grated
  • 1 Lemon, wedged


  1. Place eggs in saucepan of cold water and at high heat, bring to the boil for approximately 6 minutes (for soft boiled eggs). Remove from heat using a slotted spoon and allow to cool before peeling.
  2. While eggs cool, place fresh chorizo sausage in frypan and cook, breaking up continuously until cooked and golden. Remove from frypan and drain on paper towel.
  3. Roughly chop greens and cook in fry pan with leftover chorizo oil on medium heat until wilted. Season to taste.
  4. Peel eggshells from eggs, keeping whole until ready to serve.
  5. Toast La Famiglia Stone Baked Ciabatta with Garlic Butter slices.
  6. Top toast with wilted greens then gently break eggs in half to sit on top. Finish with chorizo sprinkle and manchego cheese.
  7. Serve immediately with a wedge of lemon.

  • Ooh yum… this is such a fab take on my version of poached egg with baby spinach and mushrooms on sour dough toast with avocado. I absolutely love this version too and can’t way to try it.


  • Oh i love chorizo sausage.
    Never had manchengo cheese is it nice.


  • Most of these ingredients are not available where I live. Sounds tasty though


  • I love greens & egg with Dukkah !

    • Me too! I’m a fan of dukkah on most things!

      • Lol, don’t know if you can win from me ;) I make and eat about 1 kg of dukkah a week !! I’m an addict hehehe

      • Lol me too, I eat 3 large jam jars of dukkah each week. Do you make it yourself too ?


  • What a lovely brunch idea – will be doing some variations on this.


  • Delicious Sunday brunch idea. Yumm


  • Would so love this for breakfast. Yum.


  • I want this for breakfast in bed, only problem is, I would have to get up and make it myself! Oh well, looks like I’ll be making this myself, sounds delish.


  • I love a version of this for breakfast on the weekend. I have sour dough toast with wilted baby spinach, avocado and poached eggs. Sometimes hubby adds mushrooms or small roma tomatoes. Lip smacking good.


  • This looks just beautiful, thanks heaps.


  • this looks utterly fabulous – thanks for the great recipe


  • oh the title wasn’t entered fully lol. tech diff’s lol.

    • cheers for posting this recipe. i will have to remember this one, the next time that i am stuck for an idea for lunch.


  • A delicious recipe idea that looks amazing; thanks for sharing!.


  • I can picture me sitting in the morning sun on our back deck, eating this on a Sunday morning for breakfast. So quick, fresh and healthy


  • My kind of a Sunday breakfast,love it!


  • Perfect looking boiled eggs – yummy recipe for a snack.


  • Perfect for a weekend lunch!


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