
  • Serves 4
  • 1.5 hours
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 8 Ingredients


Light and lovely meal ,easy to prepare

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 6 Chicken thighs , Trimmed of fat and cut into bite sized pieces
  • 1 Mango,coarsely chopped
  • 2 tablespoons honey
  • 1tablespoon chilli sauce
  • 1 med garlic clove , Minced
  • 2 tablespoons ginger , finely grated
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/4 cup coriander, finely chopped


  1. To make the marinade, Place all ingredients, except the chicken, in a food processor and process until well blended
  2. Place chicken in a bowl and pour over the marinade.Mix well and cover with cling wrap
  3. Place in fridge for 1 hour to let flavors infuse
  4. Heat oil in a pan and cook chicken pieces until golden and cooked through
  5. Serve with asian greens or a mango and avocado salad


Mango, orange and avocado salad goes really well with this dish for a light option, or coconut rice and asian greens makes it a bit more substantial

  • Sounds like a delicious summer meal, I’d love to try making this for tacos!


  • This looks so yummy. I love the mango/chilli combination and paired with a big salad I could eat this all summer lol..


  • The suggestion of the salad really appeals to me. I am keen to try it with other meals. I need to get more adventurous. The marinade sounds very spicy so the mango would add some sweetness to it


  • Ooo you had me at chicken and mango. Looks and sounds absolutely delicious.


  • Interesting combination, will have to try. Yum!


  • This dish looks like a real winner looks amazing thanks for sharing


  • Sticky in the title gets me in. Means it will be sweet and coated in deliciousness. My kind of chicken


  • The simplicity is wonderful and a fantastic recipe.


  • oh I have never tried something like this before using fresh mango – thank you for your recipe looking forward to giving this a taste test on the weekend :)


  • Ooh I love this idea!


  • Great bite sized pieces for the whole family thanks for sharing I would live to make this next time i have mangoes


  • I recently found that I love coriander in almost anything and this sounds great

    • I love coriander too – and love quite a lot of it too! :)


  • Chicken and lime is simply sublime – love the sound of this dish and it looks so tasty.


  • JUst shared that for my folks, I reckon they will love it!


  • A perfect Summer meal,love it!


  • I love mango for cooking. It’s amazing with rice too!


  • Well aren’t you coming out with some ripper recipes!That looks and sounds really delicious, I really like the sound of this and will try for sure! Thank you for sharing


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