
  • Serves 4
  • Makes 4
  • 40 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 6 Ingredients
October 29, 2023


Eating this gorgeously fresh recipe will make you feel like spring has sprung.

With beautiful fresh cucumber and sweet strawberries, give boring old open sandwiches a fruity lift with this strawberry, basil and cream cheese open sandwich.

This recipe is left open, using Tip Top Thins as the base, offering a light, open alternative to your classic finger sandwich.

Serve this as a snack or dessert, it’s sweet but fresh enough to feel like you’re having something naughty, while still being relatively healthy.

Strawberry, Basil And Cream Cheese Finger Sandwiches

We love that Tip Top Thins are the perfect substitute for a standard heavy sandwich bread in this recipe. Light, tasty and versatile, Tip Top Thins are a kitchen staple for busy mums, providing the perfect light base to a whole range of savoury to sweet recipes.

Stock up on Tip Top Thins now and know that a tasty meal is never far away.

Mouths of Mums is working with Tip Top to bring you this recipe. With Tip Top Thins, Any Thins Possible – Try Thins Like You’ve Never Imagined Before.

Tip Top logo - REVISED

Ingredients (serves 4 | makes 4 )

  • 150g cream cheese
  • 1 tbsp lemon zest
  • 4 Tip Top Thins in Wholemeal
  • 1 large cucumber sliced into 24 pieces
  • 3 large strawberries sliced
  • 2 tbsp fresh basil leaves, finely chopped


  1. Combine the cream and lemon zest in a small bowl. Fold until well combined. Spread a thin layer of the cream cheese onto the Tip Top Thins. Add an even layer of cucumber and strawberry slices and top with basil.

  • They looks so fresh and full of flavour. Can’t wait for Spring.


  • Sorry, don’t think I’ll be trying this one.


  • Strawberry sandwich sounds different but i think the combinations may work well together.


  • It looks really good – bright and fresh


  • This sounds like an interesting combination!


  • I’m yet to try this Tip Top product, I must buy it. This recipe looks tasty and refreshing.


  • Looks interesting but no lemon zest for me.


  • A very interesting combo I’ll have to try


  • I don’t know how I feel about adding strawberry to a sandwich unless it’s sweet not savoury. I need to think this recipie through.


  • Ooh, this looks amazing. And something to use the basil in my garden.


  • I bough some thins today. I’ll try this recipe out :)


  • Oh my gosh! I love the tip top sandwiches anyway and this looks absolutely delicious


  • Not only does this look really pretty, I think it would be a great flavor combo!


  • Interesting. Never made a sandwich like that.


  • This sounds so different! I’ll have to give it a go.


  • Brings back memories of school days when mum made me strawberry sandwiches. Thanks for your recipe and for reminding me of such lovely memories.


  • And strawberries are on sale at Coles this week…


  • These look so good- great for guests.


  • Like so many others, would never have thought to combine these ingredients! Looking forward to seeing how the kids like this one!


  • I’m not a fan of strawberry on my bread, but I remember my dad used to love it


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