
  • Serves 5
  • 5 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 5 Ingredients


Different tatziki for your collection!

Ingredients (serves 5)

  • 1 cup Corn
  • 1.5 cup Low fat yoghurt
  • 2 small Limes
  • 1/4 teaspoon Salt
  • To taste Pepper to taste


  1. Add all ingredients except limes in a bowl.
  2. Mix well and squeeze lime juice in mixture.
  3. Serve with Roast chicken, grilled lamb, naan bread or crackers.


I wanted to make tatziki one time but didn't have enough zucchini so I thought I should add some corn since my hubby loves the sweetness. Turns out the flavour was great! Have it with Roasted poultry and you'll be hooked!

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