
  • Serves 4
  • 40 minutes
  • Difficulty Medium
  • 16 Ingredients


Looking for a super tasty Thai Fish Curry?

Thai is always a winner in our house; somehow even when it’s spicy, the whole family loves a Thai Dinner. We love this Thai Fish Curry Recipe.  It’s packed with protein, veges and so much taste!

It’s really up to you what fish you use in this recipe.  We like a really firm, white fish that hasn’t been frozen but if frozen is all you have, go for it!  Either way the delicious sauce soaks in and adds a load of flavour.

You can of course make your own Red Curry Paste, but if you’re short on time (like we always are), we’d suggest using a store bought paste.  Our favourite for this recipe is AYAM Red Curry Paste.

What’s your favourite fish for Thai Fish Curry? We’d love you to post a comment below … or give us your opinion of this recipe after you’ve tried it.

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 4 eggs
  • 60ml (1/4 cup) vegetable oil
  • 2 red onions, finely chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic, crushed
  • 1 stalk lemongrass, white part only, finely chopped
  • 75g (1/4 cup) Thai red curry paste (see note)
  • 2 tbs brown sugar
  • 2x 400ml cans coconut cream
  • 1 cup snow peas and fresh shelled peas
  • 800g barramundi fillet, skinned, pin-boned, cut into 3cm pieces
  • 2 limes, juiced
  • 2 tbs chopped coriander
  • 1 red chilli, seeds removed and finely sliced
  • 12 shelled green prawns, tails still attached
  • Steamed white rice (optional), to serve
  • 4 Crisp fried wonton wrappers or papadums (optional), to serve


  1. Cook eggs in a saucepan of boiling salted water for 7 minutes. Drain and rinse under cold running water until cool enough to handle, then peel and set aside.
  2. Meanwhile, heat vegetable oil in a large, heavy-based saucepan over medium–high heat. Add onions, garlic, lemongrass and curry paste, then cook, stirring frequently, for 5 minutes or until onion and lemongrass are soft.
  3. Stir in brown sugar, coconut cream and 160ml (2/3 cup) water. Bring to a simmer, then add broccolini and barramundi, and cook, stirring occasionally, for 6 minutes or until barramundi is just cooked. Add green prawns at this stage and they will cook through at the same time as the fish. Stir in lime juice and coriander, then season with salt and pepper.
  4. Halve boiled eggs and place on curry. Serve with steamed white rice, if using.


There are so many great curry pastes available and I can never quite get the same effect making from scratch. So I go for a store bought curry paste for this recipe! This recipe also works really well as a vegetarian dish - just remove the fish and prawns and add mushrooms and bean shoots.

If you're after a few more Thai Dinner Ideas, check out some of these recipes below:
  • Love a good fish curry, looks amazing!


  • Not for me, but others in my family will love it.


  • Yum, what a perfect warmer!


  • Love Thai and love curry, not too hot, but don’t have much luck cooking it myself so will definitely try this but might try with half quantities to start. Thanks so much for sharing and also the other curry recipes and tips.


  • Oooh yummy. Love a good fish curry!


  • Looks nice, but haven’t been able to even look at a fish curry since I had a bad experience with one.


  • I bet it tastes amazing.


  • Ooooohhhh, this looks so good, soooo healthy, I really enjoy a good Thai curry


  • Love fish curry, interesting recipe with inclusion of eggs.


  • This fish curry looks so great i don’t usually use fish this way but looks worth a try


  • What a delicious and flavoursome way to serve fish.


  • Looks so full of flavour, thanks for the recipe.


  • Looks amazing but unfortunately, whilst I might eat this, the rest of my family won’t. They don’t like fish. I know, it’s hard. So would love someone to make this for me!!


  • I’ve been making this dish for ages – a real family pleaser. Must be about time I did it again.


  • AYAM Red Curry Paste easy way to create tasty curry.


  • This seems like a versatile recipe. I’ll give it a go


  • Vegetarian version sounds good to me :)

    • Yes, especially mushrooms make my mouth water :P

      • Yes mushrooms make my mouth water !


  • I’ll give the vegetarian version a go. Thanks for the recipe.


  • I really love prawns and the look of the dish is delish


  • What a beautiful and delicious dish


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