

I can’t help but notice that these days I am getting more invites to breakfasts and lunches and less to all night dinners and launches. I’m well aware that this is a reflection on the fact that I am no longer a spring chicken (sigh) but just between you and me – this suits me fine! As parents we all know that the luxury of a sleep in after a late night is not an option and so a morning get together is much more up my alley.

Earlier in April I was lucky enough to be one of 20 bloggers invited to the Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea 20th Anniversary breakfast launch at Chez Dee in Potts Point. I have to admit that I was secretly enjoying an excuse to head into the Cross – even if it was 8am in the morning! (yep it has been a while) Chez Dee is a French inspired Oasis – part café and part gourmet grocer. On this morning it was also all parts yum! We were lucky enough to not only nibble on delicious breakfast canapés created by Cancer Council celebrity ambassadors including Luke Mangan and Poh Ling Yeow, but also sample purifying and organic teas from the event sponsors Bushells, I Am Infusion and Ovvio. I can honestly say I have never before been asked ‘Would you prefer a cup of Love, Beauty or Brains to get you started this morning?’  I did once get asked if I wanted ‘Sweet or Dry luv?’ but that’s obviously not quite the same. Actually… Now I think about it – that might have happened the last time I was in the King Cross area.

There was a very serious aspect to the morning of course and before we all became too gorgeous and intellectual to be in Potts Point at 9am on a school day, ambassadors Barry Dubois and Sarah Wilson brought us up to speed on the importance of supporting the Cancer Council’s Biggest Morning Tea. The Biggest Morning Tea started as a very simple concept – a get together over a cuppa – and has now grown to have over 1 million Australians getting involved each year. Money raised from the campaign is used to support the Cancer Council’s world-class research, prevention programs and  support services for those affected by cancer. The Cancer Council receives minimal government funding and so events like the Biggest Morning Tea are essential. In fact, 96% of their yearly funds are raised from community support.

To celebrate the 20th anniversary of this campaign everyone is being asked to host their own morning tea in the month of May – even better if you can plan it for the official date of Thursday 23rd May. Grab some friends, enjoy a cuppa and yes, having a little gossip is a pre-requisite! Raising just $5 is all it takes to provide a cancer patient access to a support team and $50 can cover one hour of cancer research in order to discover the next breakthrough. I have even tracked down my 2 favourite recipes from the launch for you to try yourself J  All the details on how to register, as well as lots of ideas on how to make your morning tea as fabulous as possible, can be found on the Cancer Council event website www.biggestmorningtea.com.au

It was a fabulous morning for a fabulous cause. I just wish I’d had a chance to sit down with the Tea Reader during breakfast – I would have loved to know how my stewed rhubard with granola making future was looking.


Bacon & Egg Cupcakes – Sarah Wilson


  • coconut oil, butter or ghee for greasing
  • 6 rashers bacon
  • 6 eggs
  • crumbled fetta (optional)
  • chopped chives or other herbs (optional)


Preheat the oven to 200°C and lightly grease a 6-cup muffin tray.

Use a bacon rasher to line each muffin cup, looping or pressing the bacon around the sides and using any small broken bits to line the bottom. It needn’t be a perfect job – feel free to use extra bits to fill in the gaps. If you like your bacon crispy, place the tray in the oven for 5 minutes before continuing.

Gently crack 1 egg into each bacon cup, then sprinkle with cheese and herbs if desired.

Bake for 15 minutes until the egg whites are set.

Let sit for a minute and then, using a knife or spoon, gently remove the cupcakes from the tray.

Serve hot or warm.

Serves 6

Granola with stewed rhubarb – Matt Moran


  • 440 g granola
  • 280 ml almond milk
  • 400 g rhubarb stalks
  • 50g caster sugar
  • ¼ pod of vanilla bean
  • ½ lemon (juice)

Trim and peel the rhubarb stalks and roughly chop, place in a medium size saucepan and add the caster sugar, vanilla bean and lemon juice, simmer for 5 minutes stirring continuously. 

Leave aside until cool.

To serve, place the granola into a cereal bowl, pour the almond milk over it and spoon the stewed rhubarb on top.

Serves 4

  • we do the biggest morning tea at work its always a hit


  • Have been to some wonderful morning teas!


  • They had some great ones this year – my husband went to a big one and said that there was so much food!


  • its such a fantastic cause to get behind


  • Some delicious ideas here for breakfast and morning tea. I always support anything that raises money for cancer research. You can have fun while raising money for a good cause, and it doesn’t seem like hard work at all.


  • A great cause to support! And who doesn’t love a nice morning tea?


  • this is a great and worthwhile cause


  • such a great cause to support

    • Absolutely, a fantastic cause to get behind always.


  • Fantastic cause – one that I have participated many times before


  • thanks for sharing was a great read


  • so many interesting recipes here !


  • bacon and egg cupcakes? YUM! Great cause and encourage everyone to join in and support!


  • Like the sound of these recipes. And a great cause.


  • I strongly believe we need more funding to the cancer council. The australians biggest morning tea has been a great idea. And i will continue to support it.


  • Yummy bacon & eggs and great cause.


  • great cause and thanks for the recipes


  • the bacon and egg cupcakes are a great idea – great cause!


  • Thank you for sharing great recipe :)


  • A great cause, I should get more involved next year.


  • Such a great cause! :)


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