
  • Serves 6
  • 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 11 Ingredients


A wholesome and adaptable base recipe with the added bonus of hiding multiple veggies within it!

Ingredients (serves 6)

  • 500g Minced beef - buy the best quality you can afford
  • 1 jar Store bought pasta sauce. We go for a vegetable filled variety
  • 2 Diced onions
  • 2 Diced (unpeeled) zucchini
  • 2 Diced (unpeeled for us) carrots
  • 1 Diced sweet potato
  • 1 Handful chopped sliced beans
  • 1 Tin drained beans (eg chick peas, cannelloni or kidney beans etc - your choice!)
  • 2 Teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 1 Teaspoon white sugar
  • Sprinkle Salt & Pepper


  1. Dice vegetables
  2. Cook mince in frypan with 1 tsp oil (opt). Once browned, drain and set aside.
  3. Cook onion until translucent then add other veg and cook approx 10 mins or until softened. We tend to par boil veg so this step is quicker.
  4. Add cooked mince and add sauces and seasonings. Allow to simmer for approximately 20 mins on a low heat, lid on, stirring occasionally.
  5. Serve warm atop cooked pasta (we tend to use tri colour or wholemeal spirals) and top with grated tasty cheese.


We use whatever is in season so the veggies vary year round...but it is always gobbled up by our Miss! We tend to make a double batch and freeze portions and sometimes use the slowcooker - low for 8 hours then check to ensure meat is well cooked through.

  • Yum looks great. Would make a tasty pie filling too…


  • Judging by the ingredients list, it will be tastey. Always love a recipe that hides veggies


  • Thanks for the recipe. Will give it a go.


  • A lovely Winter dish with pasta or by itself! I would add chilli as well! Thanks.


  • On ya Tim and Trace! Sounds like a winner for our family too


  • This topper would be great on a jacket potato.


  • YUm yum, this sounds delish!


  • also thank you for posting


  • this looks very nice. i like the name of the recipe


  • looks great, full of flavour, must try this


  • I’m going to try making this tomorrow, so that we’ve got some ready-made meals for next week. I’d like to put some garlic and chilli in the mixture, as long as you don’t think it would ruin it?


  • A very adaptable recipe, thank you!


  • Looks very hearty, great in cold weather.


  • a great winter dish to warm the tummy


  • so nice to have all of the veggies in there


  • Love all the vegies in this, and the idea of making it in the slow cooker. Turn it on in the morning before I go to work, and dinner’s ready when I get home. Can’t ask for more than that.


  • this looks so yummy, cant wait to try and make it


  • I will have to try it in a baked potato, thanks – great idea.


  • kidney beans would go really nice in this – could have it on rice too


  • so nice thanks for sharing


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