
  • Serves 4
  • Makes 8 rissoles
  • 45 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 22 Ingredients


We have created two simple summer recipes that a quick, easy and versatile for your summer feast! Try the succulent Onion & Capsicum jam or the zesty Salsa Verde.

This recipe was proudly brought to you by Ingham’s Summer Turkey Range.


Ingredients (serves 4 | makes 8 rissoles )

  • 1 packet Ingham's Extra Lean Turkey Rissoles Rissoles
  • 4 serves Mashed potato
  • Garnish Green side salad
  • 2 Red onion, finely chopped
  • 2 Brown onion, finely chopped
  • 2 Red capsicum, deseeded and finely chopped
  • 1.5 cups Rose (or sweet white wine)
  • 1 tbs Brown sugar
  • 1 small jar Cranberry sauce
  • Olive oil
  • 2 cups Baby spinach
  • 1 bunch Flat leaf parsley, destalked
  • 2 cups Frozen peas
  • 2 tbs Lemon juice
  • 2 tbs Olive oil
  • 1-2 cloves Garlic
  • 1/2 cup Sourdough bread crumbs
  • 8 Gherkins
  • 1 tsp Wholegrain mustard
  • 1/2 Lemon, zested


  1. RISSOLES: Add 1 tbs oil to frying pan over medium heat. Add rissoles to pan. Cook for approximately 10 minutes (or until cooked through). Turn regularly.
  2. ONION & CAPSICUM JAM: Heat oil in a pan on medium heat. Fry off capsicum and onions for approx 5-10 mins or until they begin to caramelise and reduce down to half the size. Add in rose, cranberry sauce and brown sugar, then continue to cook mixture down.
  3. PEA & SPINACH SALSA VERDE: Using a food processor or stick blender, combine all ingredients. Secure lid and blitz until everything is combined. If the mixture is too dry, add a dash more olive oil to the mix.
  4. SIDES: Whip up your favourite mashed potato recipe and serve alongside a lovely summer garden salad.
  5. SERVING: Serve on a bed of mashed potato. Create a well in the potato so the jam or salsa verde can be placed on top. Spoon over approx 1-2 tbs of jam or salsa verde. Please 2 rissoles on top. Garnish with a green side salad. Season with salt and pepper (optional) Enjoy!


To find out what our MoM members had to say about the new Ingham's Summer Turkey range, head over to the Ingham's Review page - http://mofmums.com/RX8CEg

Watch below for step by step recipe video- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1Hk2b8fRis  
  • Lots of ingredients but I’m sure it’s worth the effort. Yum!


  • Huge ingredient list. Thanks for the recipe.


  • I have tried these rissoles and they are delicious.


  • It’s great how it has a step by step recipe video so you know your doing it right


  • A lot of ingredients but I bet they taste good. Thanks


  • Thanks, look wonderful.


  • I’ve tried the Inghams Turkey burgers now I will have to try their rissoles with this delicious zesty salsa verde.


  • This looks really delicious.


  • Sounds delicious. Cant wait to try the recipes


  • Delicious recipe and awesome vireo! Thank you!


  • Thanks for the delicious ideas and the video was wonderful thanks Nikki.


  • Yum these look great I really appreciate the video


  • It looks beautiful. Very nice video and presentation!!


  • Everybody loves filling and tasty rissoles. Thanks for this turkey rissoles recipe.

    • Love the big bed of mashed potato – mash is such a happy comfort food.


  • I’ve really been enjoying the range of Ingham s chicken and turkey recipes. MoMs sure do get creative in the kitchen


  • One that has been pinned for later. Found it very interesting.


  • They both sound like a lovely Summer meal,thanks!


  • A very tasty quick to make dishive the salad and the mash on the side


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