
  • Serves 4
  • Makes 4
  • 3 hours
  • Difficulty Medium
  • 7 Ingredients

66 Comment

This is great for school lunches.
You can make cheese and bacon rolls.
Or rosemary and cheese.
You can even freeze these rolls.

Ingredients (serves 4 | makes 4 )

  • 2 tablespoons bread improver (optional)
  • 1 & 1/4 warm water
  • 2 tablespoons caster sugar
  • 3 cups plain flour
  • 30g chopped butter
  • 2 tablespoons salt
  • 1 egg ( yolk only)


  1. Sift flour in to a large bowl and add butter. Mix together until it looks like bread crumbs. Then make a well in the middle and mix in the rest of the ingredients.
  2. Kneed on a chopping board ( Add extra flour to make it easier to roll.) Then put aside in a warm place for 1 hour covering the bread with a dry tea towel.
  3. Then after one hour kneed again and make into any shape. Brush with egg yolk. You can even add sesame seeds. ( Even cheese and bacon )


This is great for school lunches. You can make to suit your taste. You can make cheese and bacon rolls. Or even rosemary and cheese. And you can freeze to use later.

  • I love homemade bread/rolls – straight out of the oven with a slab of butter! Yum!


  • I’ve never made bread rolls without yeast before. Interested to try this. Going to assume the water measurement is Cups and hope for the best.


  • Would the warm water be cups? 1 1/4 cups? Warm water?


  • Yummy rolls – love warm rolls with lashings of butter.

    • Would add some bacon and cheese to these rolls for picnics.


  • Your rolls look amazing and l like the idea of cheese and bacon as well!


  • These look nice..really dumb question how warm and what is a warm place..in the sun? thanks


  • Thanks for posting. This looks delicious.


  • I would to play with different flavours for these rolls.


  • thanks so much for sharing this recipe


  • this is a great idea to make and these look great!


  • I’ve made plenty of homemade bread, never rolls – would give these one a test drive for sure.


  • These look as good as the shop ones! thanks


  • this is great. thanks for posting


  • Yep that’s done it for me, I AM going to make bread 🙂


  • Wow these are awesome and look like store bought. Well done, thanks for the wonderful recipe.


  • nothing beats the taste of great homemade bread


  • These look just like the rolls from the bakery. Nice job. I will be trying this. 🙂 I might make mini garlic rolls.


  • Love love love the smell of fresh-baked bread. I know if I made these, they wouldn’t last long in our house. Warm & crisp from the oven, with lashings of butter on them.


  • Great recipe, my kids are little carb fiends.


  • these look just like the store bought bake at home rolls


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