
  • Serves 4
  • Makes 24
  • 10 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 9 Ingredients

I love this recipe as its super quick for making as a snack after school for the kids. Also I love the fact I can make extra dough and freeze it until I need to bake some quick biscuits.

Ingredients (serves 4 | makes 24 Depending on size u want)

  • 1 Egg
  • 1/2 cup Castor sugar
  • 1/2 cup Brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup Sultanas ( optional)
  • 1/2 cup Plain flour
  • 1/2 cup Self raising flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon Cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon Bicarbonate soda
  • 80 gms Melted butter


  1. Put oven on at 180 degrees Celsius.
  2. Combine all ingredients in a bowl and work into a dough.
  3. Place teaspoon size balls on a tray and bake for 10 mins.


This can be adjusted for different tastes I usually call it the 1/2 cup biscuits as if u add a 1/2 cup of say nuts you still won't ruin the recipe.

  • How perfect- I’d swap sultanas for dates.


  • This looks super easy and you could add whatever different flavours you wanted to change them…


  • I love quick and easy and it looks like an easy ingredients list too


  • I made these today and they are delicious. They didn’t quite turn out the same as the photo here but I’m going to bake them again tomorrow and we will see what happens. My husband has stollen today’s batch to take to work tonight.


  • How quick and easy!


  • Quick and easy – love it!


  • They look very yummy. That is a lot of sugar though, hopefully they turn out nice with less.


  • I like the idea if freezing some for another time thanks!


  • These look delicious and easy to make


  • Sure does look super easy. You can shoosh these up a bit by adding bits and bobs. Great recipe


  • oh I love a good basic biscuit recipe that you can add what ever you want to :) Thanks for sharing your version


  • A good basic biscuit recipe and they all look so round and perfect.


  • Quick. easy and freezable too. A great one to have as reserve.


  • These biscuit’s sound yummy.


  • Home-made biscuits are just the best! Thanks so much!


  • Do these bikkies finish up soft or crunchy?


  • Great! This looks really good! A really nice recipe! Thanks


  • These look delicious! Thanks for sharing!


  • I really want to try these. I want some recipes for last minute guests!
    I searched for quick, these look great!


  • love the idea dough can be freezed


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