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Close My Eyes ... a new release from Simon & Schuster :
3.89 out of 5 based on 27 reviews.

Eight years ago Geniver Loxley lost her baby daughter Beth.

Ever since she has been struggling to make sense of what happened and move on with her life. While her husband Art builds his business reputation and their fortune, Gen can’t forget Beth.

Then a stranger turns up at her door telling Gen the very thing she’s been longing to hear – Beth is still alive.

It’s insane. Unthinkable. But why would someone make up such a story? Ignoring the warnings of her husband and friends, Gen begins to hope – hope that quickly turns into fear and paranoia.

With questions swirling around her head, Gen is determined to uncover the truth. But who can she trust? Why is Art so reluctant to get involved? To save his wife from further hurt? Or something much more sinister? Is Beth even really out there? And, if so, who is responsible for taking her?

What is the truth about Beth Loxley?

Close My Eyes, written by Sophie McKenzie, is a brand new release from Simon & Schuster.

Available in paperback where all good books are sold for $24.99.  Also available as an ebook for $13.99.

Find out more about Close My Eyes here.

In this review, mums received a paperback copy of Close My Eyes.  Read their reviews below.

Published 20th May 2013

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    Close my eyes

    Finished this novel,it was very hard too put down. I found it really good and enjoyed the end I was right had a feeling from when first met the character. I would definitely read another book by this author and genre. Anyone who is a parent should read this, it tugs at the emotions.

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    great suzspense read

    really enjoyed this book, a great read very intreeging

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    Suspenseful and gripping drama novel

    Once I started reading this book it was really hard to put down. It takes you through the highs and lows of the main character throughout her journey. Gripping and suspenseful drama that makes me what to read more from this great author. Would recommend this read to anyone and have already spoken to many about how much a great read this book was. Thoroughly enjoyable.

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    loved it

    when i got this book its not normally what i read but i endefup loving it
    abit slow at first but straight to the point loved the twisted n turns
    End was good too not who i was thinking.will tell peopl e
    about this book .

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    loved it

    Now that I have finished the book,I can say that I loved it.I found a little slow at first but after Lucy was introduced I found it hard to put down. I would definitely read another book by Sophie Mckenzie especially if its a sequel.And I have already passed this novel onto a friend. Thanks MoM

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    More like "Keep Your Eyes Open"!!!

    I absolutely loved this book. After the first 5 chapters I think the pace picked up heaps. It was a bit slow at first for me (although it jumped into the story straight away) but when it picked up it really picked up and I trouble putting it down. One of the best thrillers I’ve come across in ages! It had me guessing at every turn. I would definitely recommend this book if you like thrillers and even if you don’t!!!!

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    This book is really really good, I really felt if engaged me a lot, I found It very difficult to put down, had to be reading it all the time, really annoyed the crap out of my hubby! which made it even better,
    very good story , would be happy to read it again!

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    Wow what a book!!!

    Now that I’ve finished the book,I really don’t know how I feel about it,I think because it ended very differently from what I was expecting.It was hard to put down and definitely a great read.Another reviewer likened it to Jodi Piccoult’s type of book.I agree,very much like her style of writing.I would definitely recommend it.I would also read any other book from this Author.

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    A page turner

    The characters in this book were intriguing, each with their own back story that had twists throughout the book. It was refreshing to read a book that actually talked about still birth (even though that event is part of the twist and turns in the storyline, involving many characters), and the different emotions experienced. The topic was tackled well by the author. The story had me unable to put the book down, with all the unexpected twists. Look forward to reading more from this author.

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    Close your eyes

    I really enjoyed the book the plot was close to home with a stillbirth and I admired her determination to find the truth. Totally unbelievable and some of the characters has great flaws but overall well written and thought out. The ending left me wondering what would happen next ( ok so it’s a bit obvious) but still I really enjoyed it and will be passing it on to my mum to read.

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    great suzspense read

    really enjoyed this book, a great read very intreeging

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    I read in one day!

    Thank you for picking me. To be honest, I found it quite start to begin with however, then came Lucy. I admired the characters determination to find the truth. It was hard to put down from time to time. Love it how some characters had flaws as we do. I would recommend. I’ve passed onto my mum now to read. Thank you :)

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    This book is really really good, I really felt if engaged me a lot, I found It very difficult to put down, had to be reading it all the time, really annoyed the crap out of my hubby! which made it even better,
    very good story , would be happy to read it again!

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    Suspenseful and gripping drama novel

    Once I started reading this book it was really hard to put down. It takes you through the highs and lows of the main character throughout her journey. Gripping and suspenseful drama that makes me what to read more from this great author. Would recommend this read to anyone and have already spoken to many about how much a great read this book was. Thoroughly enjoyable.

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    Wow what a book!!!

    Now that I’ve finished the book,I really don’t know how I feel about it,I think because it ended very differently from what I was expecting.It was hard to put down and definitely a great read.Another reviewer likened it to Jodi Piccoult’s type of book.I agree,very much like her style of writing.I would definitely recommend it.I would also read any other book from this Author.

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    WOW! Who would have thought, a Husband?

    Sophie Mckenzie had me along for the ride. I thought it a little far fetched in the beginning, but then found myself questioning everyone involved and it got Interesting. It wasn’t til’ towards the end I suspected the Husbands step-sister Morgan, but then looking at her personality It should have pointed to her. She was DEFINITELY a mysterious character from the beginning and the Husband and Morgan’s initial contact in meeting should have shown me a sign. But it wasn’t until the end. Enjoyed! :)

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    loved it

    Now that I have finished the book,I can say that I loved it.I found a little slow at first but after Lucy was introduced I found it hard to put down. I would definitely read another book by Sophie Mckenzie especially if its a sequel.And I have already passed this novel onto a friend. Thanks MoM

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    really very interesting

    As though i havent completed it but it sounds really great for me.am still in the middle of the page but it is dragging me daily to read some more things to the further.after finishig the book am sure i will wait for the next one from this author.thanks you very much.

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    Close My Eyes not for the faint hearted

    All of the twists and turns that surround the main character are certainly intriguing, and the very start of the book had me hooked, a page turner, one you wont want to put down, and hits on some very emotional issues that will be close to the heart of many.
    The ending however didn’t quite “flow” for me, and I must admit I was disappointed with the ending, it left me feeling all dark and heavy.
    Despite that it was a very compelling read.

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    A page turner

    The characters in this book were intriguing, each with their own back story that had twists throughout the book. It was refreshing to read a book that actually talked about still birth (even though that event is part of the twist and turns in the storyline, involving many characters), and the different emotions experienced. The topic was tackled well by the author. The story had me unable to put the book down, with all the unexpected twists. Look forward to reading more from this author.

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    Nice start

    I found the premise of the story intriguing. The writing reminds me of Jodi Picoult. I’m very curious to see how it turns out. Where is Beth? Did Art really set her up? Why, why, why? I’m hoping he did, I like villains (evil laugh).
    I hope she gets a great revenge too :)

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    a page turner

    This book pulled at your heart strings and make you think about things that you shouldn’t. It is not the sort of book that I normally would read but I am glad I did. It kept me turning the pages until the very end. A little disappointed in the ending but a good read

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    Great but the ending left me disappointed

    A suspenseful, thrilling, heart wrenching page-turner. I could feel Gen’s pain from the minute I started reading, and was quickly drawn into the story from the very first shock.

    The author’s writing style flows and is easy to read with no complicated or confusing language. The story line is easy to follow, and keeps you reading on as you’re dealt with one shock after another all the way through the story.

    I didn’t really like the journal entries throughout the book. I found them annoying and out of place, and from the first one I had already guessed who was behind them. I understand why they were there but I think the story wouldn’t have been much different if they weren’t included.

    Towards the end, the story starts to seem rather far-fetched. Once I had finished the book, I wasn’t really sure of my feelings about it. I felt like the suspense of the story line was building up to something huge, but I was left feeling somewhat dissatisfied. Even the chilling diary entry as the finale didn’t feel right to me.

    I would be willing to read another book from this author before forming a definitive opinion of her as a writer. I have passed the book onto my sister to read and I’m interested to see what her opinion of it will be.

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    Close my eyes

    I am only half way through this book and what can I say! It gets you right into to book and I believe it makes you part of the story. The storyline makes you wanting to turn the page to find out more.It is heart touching and I will recommend everyone to read this book.Can’t wait to finish reading it. Thank you for allowing me to review this book and I can’t wait to finish it.

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    From the beginning hard to put down!

    Thankyou firstly for selecting me to review this book.Even though I haven’t finished it yet,I am totally hooked!This book is easy to read and the character descriptions keep you interested.I will be passing it on to my friends to read.I’ll post my final review when finished.

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    A good mystery

    I enjoyed reading this and felt from the beginning the paranoia of Gen. It was a page turner where i was wanting to know what happens next and what she will find in the end. It did intrigue me and is definitely a psychological thriller in all senses of the word

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    I'm hooked

    Thanks for letting me review this novel.I hope I can do it justice.
    I haven’t finished yet. But from the beginning I’m invested in the characters.
    Does Gen believe Lucy?
    Is Art really involved?
    And I’m suspicious of Hen. What’s her story?
    I love stories that you can’t wait to finish and this is one of them.

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    Baffling mystery solved by unbelievable ending

    When I started reading this book I was indifferent about the main character – and this opinion did not get any better as I read more. However, I really enjoyed the non stop action that started on page one and lasted right up until the end. I just wish I had liked the main character more because I did not care about her or what happened to her. The mystery of this story was addictive it was absolutely compelling – I had no idea what could possibly have happened and in the end this was because it was a ridiculous outcome – believability was sacrificed for the story which led to an enthralling read but unsatisfying finale. All told I found the book a page turner but I am not sure if I will seek the author out again.

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    Close my eyes

    Finished this novel,it was very hard too put down. I found it really good and enjoyed the end I was right had a feeling from when first met the character. I would definitely read another book by this author and genre. Anyone who is a parent should read this, it tugs at the emotions.

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    loved it

    when i got this book its not normally what i read but i endefup loving it
    abit slow at first but straight to the point loved the twisted n turns
    End was good too not who i was thinking.will tell peopl e
    about this book .

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