

Young mum fighting for her life after alleged violent road rage attack sent her into a double cardiac arrest.

Kaylah Bennett-Martincevic, 21, was on her way home from a morning at Rainbow Beach with her partner and two young boys when police allege Graham Michael Hughes, 22, started to tailgate her on Clarkson Drive, reports The Courier Mail.

It has been alleged the man started to stab holes in the rear driver’s side door with a knife — where the couple’s two sons, aged four-months and 14-months, were sitting. The shocking attack sent the mother of two into cardiac arrest.

Paramedics arrived soon after and performed CPR, but she suffered another heart attack prior to being flown to Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital where she remains in a coma.

Ms Bennett-Martincevic’s brother Dylan Bennett told The Courier-Mail he would stay by his sister’s side until she returned to full health.

“Her kids were her world. She loved them and did everything for them — I couldn’t think of anyone who didn’t love her and her kids,” he said. “I’m upset that someone could do that to a girl with kids in the car.”

Anyone with information which could assist with this matter should contact Crime Stoppers anonymously via 1800 333 000  or crimestoppers.com.au 24hrs a day.

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  • wow people are so stupid! hope she pulls through ok


  • Shocking story to read and l hope Kaylah will recover from the attack,wishing her all the best.


  • This is so terrifying. I hope she is ok and her kids too


  • This is terrible and very sad for the mother and her family


  • I hope he’s charged with murder if she doesn’t recover.


  • My prayers are with Kaylah and her family. It would have been horrific for her to see this person trying to harm her children. Praying that she pulls through.


  • I wonder if she knew the attacker? It seems more than a road rage attack. I hope she recovers soon.


  • This is terrible! Poor woman! Why did that man attack her? I hope she will soon come out of coma and she will be able to see her family again.


  • Absolutely disgusting behaviour, to have this happen to anyone is just appalling, but in front of the babies is just nightmarish, sympathy to the family and a speedy recovery to them all. To the coward, I wish you all the karma in the world


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