

So, I was having a huge melt down a few months back, was on the complete verge of tears (that thankfully held off until that night). My 4 kids were absolutely 100% driving me INSANE!! I was getting up them and told them they were annoying the bejeeves out of me, to the point of me going insane.
Anyways… My partner told me to get out of the house for a bit and go and walk around the shopping centre and get a few things that we needed and to cool down and take some time out. I took my eldest with me (he helps me a lot). We were walking through the shopping centre and he just out of the blue says “Sorry about your jeeves mum”. He said it so sweetly and innocently. Mind you, he is 6 years old.
Was one of the sweetest things I have heard him say and definitely got me out from being driven insane!

Posted by JessyJade, 3rd November 2015

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  • oh that is sweet! it is good that you try to take some time to de-stress


  • Naw, so sweet! They drive us completely insane at times and at others they pull us back from the brink of insanity. Love mine to bits either way


  • Kids understand us a lot more than what we think. :-)


  • Well…moments that just melt your heart from the mouth of precious babes! :)


  • It’s those gorgeous little moments that melt your heart


  • You are lucky to have a supportive husband willing an able to help. When at home alone with kids and things are frustrating, a was minutes to yourself in bathroom can help break the cycle too.

    • Supportive partners are most certainly wonderful.


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