4 Comment
My son is 19 and rarely talks to me or his father. We get the “yep”, and not a real conversation. Even the relationship with his sibling is hot and cold, and a love/hate relationship. Sometimes I think it’s just sibling rivalry. Perhaps I’ve made a rod for my own back with allowing him to speak to us the ways that he does. My husband is tired and has given up. Some friends tell me to kick him out for the big wake up call, and others say that we need to continue to nurture him through the difficult teenage years. My doctor says that most males don’t snap out of this attitude until they’re 25 and if we can get through that all will be well.
Posted anonymously, 26th April 2015
4littlemunchkins said
- 26 Oct 2015
mom57522 said
- 09 Jun 2015
mummydiva said
- 30 Apr 2015
mom113055 said
- 30 Apr 2015
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