

Must watch!  This is exactly how thousands of parents across Australia are feeling this week.

The hilarious video from Christian Hull had us, and millions, of others in fits of laughter attracting over 1.5million views.

Watch below

Can you relate or do you secretly (or not so secretly) love book week?

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Find some great costume ideas below:

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  • We never had costumes when I was at school. You simply read books and your parents listed the books you had read and signed next to them.


  • This had me laughing so much at this guy doing mel down as a Mum for fun.I am in the granny age but have friends and family members are in that early stage, so posting it again to those that need a laugh as so much of truth put into this hilarious skit brilliant


  • Love videos by this guy!


  • I love this! He is so funny!!


  • Hilarious!


  • this is funny. good to take it all with a pinch of salt!


  • A found it funny, but a bit repetitious and a little too much swearing. P.S. I always loved book week,

    • Costumes are a load of fun for so many events.


  • This is great!


  • Some of his videos are quite funny – his Coles mini video is a laugh!


  • LOl, nice video.
    Personally I don’t think book week is a big deal. Kids can dress up, they don’t even have to. I expect my kids to come up with idea’s and look what we have in the cupboards to see if we can practice their idea.


  • Interesting take on Book Week, I think it is the parent, child carer who most times over does the costume.


  • Christian Hull is hilarious. He makes the best most relatable videos.


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