

A single mum in the US has completed an exam at Harvard Law School while in labour with her first child.

Briana Williams, 24, went into labour in April during the “final exam period” and, despite painful contractions that left “tears in my eyes”, managed to complete the exam after requesting an epidural, shares 9 honey.

The law graduate shared her story on Instagram as a way of inspiring mums to continue to strive, regardless of their circumstances.

“I went into labour in April – during final exam period,” she wrote.

“I immediately requested an epidural so that my contractions wouldn’t interfere with my Family Law grade. And, with tears in my eyes, I finished it.

“This ‘biting the bullet’ experience is quite quintessential of my time at Harvard.”

She added, “To say that my last year of law school, with a newborn, and as a single mom was a challenge would be an understatement. Some days I was so mentally and emotionally fatigued that I did not leave my bed. I struggled with reliable childcare. It was not atypical to see me rushing through Wasserstein to the Dean of Students’ office with Evelyn in her carriage, asking DOS can they keep her for a few until class was over. If not, she’d just have to come with me to class. Evie attended classes often.”

“So I’m going to be honest with you guys.. I didn’t think I could do it.

“I did not think that, at 24 years old, as a single mom, I would be able to get through one of the most intellectually rigorous and challenging positions of my life. It was hard. It hurt. Instagram can make peoples’ lives seem seamless, but this journey has been heart wrenching. However, I am happy to say that I DID do it.”

She hopes her experience will be an inspiration to other young women.

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  • What an effort!


  • Wow, amazing determination. I don’t think I could have concentrated enough to sit an exam during labour


  • Well done & congrats to this Mum !


  • Clarification needed around exam period? During an exam or the exam period? Not sure how an epidural would be administered during an official exam?


  • CONGRATS and all the very best to them both.


  • What an incredible young woman, congratulations to her!


  • Wow you wouldn’t expect to do it while in labour! Very brave!


  • Really an amazing woman. She did something so unique. I wish her all the best in her life.


  • A huge inspiration this story needs to be shared far and wide


  • Well done she’s an inspiration for all the mothers


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