The last 10-12 months have been pretty turbulent to say the least.
The main thing is I have come out stronger, wiser and happier. There have been lows, but lots of highs was well.
In a nutshell…a marriage breakdown when I was 8 weeks pregnant, the beginning of a wonderful new relationship which has brought with it the gift of two teenage boys, having a baby, being a mum to a gorgeous ‘Big Girl’, moving house, running a business….what else?!
So I have been a mum of 2 young ones for 10 weeks now and far out, it’s full on!
I had forgotten a lot, but it’s all coming back to me now….how long it takes to feed, how often they feed, the burping, the sleeping (or lack of it), how long it takes to get ready and out the door, remembering to change nappies and the baby brain….OMG!
Entertaining a toddler, reducing the tantrums, making her feel important, and giving her some quality time too. And also having 2 teenage ‘step sons’ which are a great help with Chels & Aiden and are giving me some great practice with teenagers!
I have been called a SuperMum by quite a few people recently, but I am not the only one. I believe that EVERY MUM is a SuperMum.
Whether you have 1, 2, 3, 4 or more kids, you are a SuperMum. No-one can argue with that!
As mums, we have the hardest job in the world, but also the most rewarding. We have little people that rely on us all the time. We don’t just have to think for ourselves, but for all the little ones (and sometimes the big kids too).
Plus, we run a house – cooking, cleaning, school/kinder, play dates, sport and SO much more. Even as they grow, not matter what age they are, they will always rely on us to some degree.
I am not the only SuperMum, that’s for sure – yes I have been busy, and have been through a lot, so I thought I would give you a bit of an insight into me being a mum of 4 – how I am looking after myself, exercise, nutrition, how I am managing, juggling the business, a baby, a ‘Big Girl’ and teenagers as well as a new relationship.
When I was pregnant, I found out I had quite a big abdominal separation, so one thing I have been focusing on is wearing my recovery shorts everyday, and doing my pelvic floors – some days I remember to do them more than others! But they are SO important, so it has been a big focus for me.
I have been managing to go for a walk 1-2 times a week. And more recently I have been able to go for a swim and use the exercise bike. Running and high impact cardio, is off the cards for a while yet, until I get my pelvic floor super strong.
I am not putting any pressure on myself to get back into skinny jeans or drop 15kgs in 4 weeks or anything.
I want to set a good example to new mums out there. I am conscious of being sensible getting back into exercise since having a bub, so that I don’t do any permanent damage.
Last week I started doing the workouts from my online mummy bootcamp, doing the low impact options for cardio. I am looking forward to building up more strength, toning up and feeling good.
One week down and I am noticing a difference in my strength already. I am breastfeeding, so I am drinking at least 3 litres of water each day, which is really important. Although I must admit, somedays it’s only 2 litres and I certainly notice a difference.
I am eating every couple of hours and what I am eating is pretty boring most days – breakfast is porridge with nuts/seeds, coconut and berries. Lunch is eggs on sourdough with some avo. And I do have a bit of a thing for sourdough bread with butter at the moment. Dinners have a bit more variety in them – I am loving cooking some winter meals like soups, casseroles and eating lots of veggies too!
Things I have also added in more recently are CADA, quinoa for breakfast and/or lunch/dinner, more smoked salmon, roast chicken, salads etc. I am also focusing on reducing the sourdough and butter and also the healthy chocolate treats I keep eating….Portion Control.
The whole sleep when your baby sleeps – hahaha, that is a funny joke!
I think that at least sitting down for 15 mins when baby sleeps is a HUGE win! And I have done that most days, which really helps! Although I think I have been pretty lucky so far, I am managing to get some sleep at night.
Another thing I have been doing, which is saving my sanity is trying to have at least 2 home days a week, where I don’t do much – the big outing for the day might be going to the shops to get dinner and school drop off and pick up! The other days in my week are pretty hectic – school/kinder drop offs, pick ups, catch ups, dancing, sport, kids parties, appointments etc.
One of the best things, is getting the young kids into bed around 7pm, then talking to my partner, sitting down, watching some TV, doing some work (this is the time where I am catching up on work and running the business), hanging out the washing and doing nothing is so great to help me recharge and save my sanity.
Oh and a glass of wine & some chocolate every now and then is nice too.
I have had amazing support from so many people – friends, family, clients and of course my new relationship.
I am in a really great place now. I am happy, relaxed, calm, feeling good and I am really excited about where my online business will go.
It is my goal, my dream and my determination to get as many mums looking and feeling great about themselves. I just need to get the word out there!
mom81879 said
- 17 Nov 2015
Carolineb said
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mum4107 said
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smiles said
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mom93821 said
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kazjl said
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jabelle said
- 23 Oct 2014
Gurtling said
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mom94125 said
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deangunna said
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crystalangela said
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cloverstorm said
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damish70 said
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mom57522 said
- 02 Oct 2014
cherz said
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tammykilby said
- 02 Oct 2014
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