

A Queensland mother has been left stunned when she found this in her sons drink bottle.

To the mums surprise a snake fell out of her son’s water bottle as she emptied it in the sink.

Snake Catchers Brisbane posted a photo of the small carpet python curled up in a sink at the Ashgrove home.

“A mother got quite a shock when she emptied her son’s water bottle and this yearling fell out of the bottle!” Snake Catchers wrote on Facebook.

The group were called to remove the python and said it was not harmed in the ordeal.

Many Queensland residents said they would now be checking their children’s water bottles for intruders.

Snake Catchers has warned locals of an increase in snakes, saying they have received a large number of calls to removes snakes in Brisbane, Logan, Ipswich and the Gold Coast in September.

OMG! Just NO! That totally freaks me out.

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  • Eeeek!! I’d better get to cleaning the kids drink bottles more often..lol


  • But how did it get in? Eeeek!


  • wow that’s crazy how the snake got in there! definately should get the clear water bottles from now on lol


  • What? How did it happen? Very scary!!


  • holy moly – I would probably be an absolute mess (that’s putting it nicely!!) if this fell out of my kids drink bottle – how on earth did it manage to get in it in the first place!

    Glad the child is ok and I guess that it’s good the snake wasn’t harmed!


  • Holy crap! But tbh I’d probably cope better with a snake coming out of the bottle than a massive spider.


  • Oh my Gideon, a snake in the water bottle ??!! How on earth did it come in the bottle ?


  • Oh My Goodness!! That’s horrible! I would probably have a heart attack if this was me


  • I would be more than stunned! Heart would be racing pretty quickly along with my feet!


  • Oh that would be very scary!


  • that’s it!! I am never eating drinking or going outside again!


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