
  • Serves 4
  • 30 minutes
  • Difficulty Easy
  • 6 Ingredients

34 Comment

A versatile chicken bites dinner, better tasting then KFC, and sushi trains chicken rice bowls

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 2 Chicken breasts
  • Pinch Salt,oregano,basil, garlic powder and pepper
  • 2 cups Breadcrumbs
  • 3 Whisked eggs
  • Half a cup Flour
  • 1/4 cup Milk


  1. Get 3 bowls out, Place breadcrumbs and dried herb mixture in one, place flour in the second bowl and the eggs and milk in the third
  2. Cut chicken breasts up into small strips
  3. Coat the chicken in the flour and shake to remove the excess, then dip in the egg and milk mixture, then roll in the breadcrumb and dried herbs.
  4. Either place in the oven on 170 degrees fanforced for 15-20 minutes or until cooked. Or shallow fry in your chosen oil ( I use olive oil) ( careful no to overheat the olive oil as it burns easily) and cook until golden brown
  5. Either serve with rice and salad with teriyaki sauce and Japanese Mayo for a Home-made Japanese rice bowl, or chips and mashed potato for a Home-made KFC experience


Tastes better than the original KFC coating

  • They look so crispy and tasty. I can’t wait to make these bites.


  • These have to be best my daughter made them the other day and actually taste better then the KFC ones


  • They look yummy.


  • My cousin is having a birthday do in a few weeks. I think I know what my contribution will be to the menu!


  • nice one shelley, we love this kind of nibbly food


  • Look tasty!!!


  • This looks so yummy!! I cant wait to try it.


  • I accidentally discovered a coating that tasted similar to kfc not that long ago. I’ve been meaning to have a play with it and try perfect it, but I might try this instead!


  • ooh yummy, these look like a tasty treat.


  • Looks like it’s chicken tonight. So simple but so delicious and not so oily.


  • Tasty little treats. So yummy too!


  • ooh how yummy. Great little nibblies.


  • Chicken is a huge staple in our house so I’m always trying to think of different ways to serve it. My teen son has always loved nuggets and chicken bites, so this is a fantastic and yet so obvious idea. Thanks for sharing.


  • I never eat out so this looks so good I have to have a try I’m not usually great with breadcrumbs but looks to good to pass up


  • Oh yum and I bet they are healthier than the store bought ones!


  • This will be a grandkid pleaser! Thanks for this recipe.


  • looks really tasty and I am sure everyone will enjoy!


  • Thanks for a KFC style recipe.


  • I can’t wait to give this a go – our local KFC has terrible service and we only go there when we really really have a KFC craving, and then we are reminded how bad the service there is! – these look so yummy thank you for sharing


  • I love KFC. But let’s face it, you love KFC because of its unhealthiness, the grease and the salt are the flavour. A great tasty recipe here, healthy, but you can’t compare it to KFC


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