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My favourite gifts at Mother’s Day are the handmade cards from my kids and they are something I will treasure forever.

Here are 10 simple but cute cards the kids can make with the help of Dad. Send him the link to this page to give him some inspiration.

Cupcake patty pans and button flowers



Egg carton cups



Lift the petal word card



Handprint flowerpots



Button flowers



Pasta sun



Things I love about Mum



Handprint Butterfly




Photo flower



Handprint flowers



Does your partner/husband get crafty with the kids at Mother’s Day? SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS in the comments below. 

Main image courtesy of Pinterest

  • Love this creative ideas.


  • These are so cute ! Should have shown my kids before mothers day 😉


  • These are gorgeous card ideas that even the youngest of kids could do. Homemade mothers day cards are so special.


  • Every one of these are just so cute and clever. I had kept all of mine from my son, but when we moved recently I threw them all out.


  • They look even better than the cards at the shops – and even more sentimental!


  • I love all of the handprint cards – I might try to make some of these!


  • Super impressive and great for grandma or mum on mother’s day


  • They are all amazing ideas. Thank you for sharing


  • My partner would not have been into this at all. I think the kids would have been happy to do a few of these on their own.


  • So cute! I recon the kids could pull this off, not so much dad ????????


  • Oh my goodness, these are so cute!
    I especially love the tea one – so so cute and different, I’d never would have thought of this in a million years!!!


  • we Are now making these due to Mother’s Day coming up what a great idea


  • love these


  • They’re so cool! My hubby did nothing with the kids, but they used to make things at school, I still have most of them. They’re my favourite presents


  • these are all so gorgeous, looks professional!


  • There’s good suggestions here which recycle various things such as buttons. If clothing with buttons is beyond repair and is going to be used as rag or simply tossed away take a couple of minutes to save the buttons. They can be used in so many different ways for crafts or using on other clothes.


  • These are all so gorgeous. My son is now 16 and I must admit, I do miss the little creations he used to make for me on Mother’s Day. Always so well thought, sincere, honest and from the heart.


  • Love them but the closest he ever got was card with stickers.


  • My son made the patty pan and button card for his grandmother when she was ill. I love all these cute ideas.


  • They all look beautiful, they really stand out. I think my husband will just buy a card though lol.


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