

Why not make travelling easier? Turn your smartphone into your number one resource!

When travelling to an unfamiliar destination, there are a multitude of questions that may pop up. You’re in a strange place, you’re not used to how things work and you have limited resources.

Well, believe it or not, your phone can be your number one resource! Have a look below at some of the most useful apps you need to download onto your phone before you hop onto that flight:

1. Google Translate

Google Translate is a language translation app that will prove to be undoubtedly helpful on your next overseas trip. It provides text, voice, and even photo translation services. No need to fear those language barriers anymore!

2. XE Currency

Let’s not ruin our trips with unnecessarily tiring maths! Don’t bother doing those difficult currency conversions in your head – let your phone do it. There are many, many currency conversion apps out there, but a good one is XE Currency. Simply select which currencies you wish to convert to and from, input the values, and have the calculations done for you!

3. Free WiFi finder

When travelling, the Internet can be your most valuable resource – but it’s not always available on your devices! In order to access the Internet when travelling overseas, your best bet is to find an area with free WiFi you can connect to. Now, the usual spots will be McDonald’s, the airport, and perhaps your hotel. But what do you do when none of these places are near you? Use the Free WiFi Finder app. This app will search for free Wi-Fi spots via postcode or tapping into your location. For a quick Internet fix, use this app to find your best shot at a connection!

4. Uber

Say goodbye to frantically waving down taxis! Uber is the hottest transportation app of 2016 –  it helps you to quickly find drivers in your area who will drive you to any location. It’s faster, cheaper, and far more reliable than a taxi service. All you need to do is input your location and destination, and Uber will find you a nearby Uber driver to pick you up. When you’re matched with a driver, you’ll be able to see their name, license plate number, photo, and rating before they reach you. All Uber drivers undergo background checks before being allowed to drive anyone.

Uber is available in over 429 cities and 71 countries all over the world, including Australia, the US, the UK, China, and France.

5. TripIt

TripIt is a travel itinerary in your pocket! You can plan your entire trip on this handy app. Once you link your email account to TripIt, it will automatically search your inbox for information about your trip (such as reservation confirmations and receipts). It will then use this information to build your itinerary. All your flight, hotel, and other booking data will be neatly stored in one place on this app!

There is such a huge pool of useful apps available to us online. Make sure to take a helpful sip of this pool next time you’re travelling!

Do you have any great travel apps to add to the list? Please share in the comments below.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.com

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  • heading overseas?…..wow….That was such a lifetime ago. I wonder when we will be able to travel again.


  • What awesome tips. We’re planning a big trip next year with the kids so being organised is a must.


  • Wish these apps were available when I travelled Europe – but I had great fun anyway.


  • Great tips. Never heard of Trip-it, should use it with our trip to Europe & Africa next year.


  • Great tips. We’re heading overseas next year so I’ve made a note of each of these.


  • Love this list, and the suggestions in the comments will have to download these if I ever get to make it overseas again


  • Love this travel app. With children every app that can assist to make your holiday safe is definitely worth looking into.


  • I constantly use the first three while travelling abroad – Circa is another great one, the World time zones at your fingertips!


  • I agree that the first three are important. But the last two what a joke. Did they pay you for this article?


  • I only travel interstate, mostly on my own, so I don’t really need any of these apps. Great for those who do go overseas


  • I agree with some of these. I don’t see the need for the UBER app!!


  • Great tips, definitely keep these in mind for our upcoming family holiday


  • That’s handy, didn’t know about TripIt.


  • These seem very useful. I’m going to definetly note these down.


  • I will definitely make sure I have all these apps before I travel overseas!


  • i vouch for the translator app! you can take pics and have it translated which is great for signs


  • Loads of great information here for regular, or sometime, travellers. Would put a lot of minds at ease to know how to travel safer


  • Amazing tips, thank you so much.


  • Great article. Will definitely be using them on my next trip.


  • We’ve just been overseas and a couple of these apps will be great. I’ll keep these in mind for next time.


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