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If you don’t want to hand out lollies at your house this Halloween, here are 10 cheap and fun treats you can hand out that the kids will love.

  1. Super bouncy balls: Kids love these and you can get cool glow in the dark ones and even eye ball ones.
  2. Bubbles: Kids love bubbles and you can buy cute little mini bottles perfect for trick or treating.
  3. Glow bands: So much fun for the kids.
  4. Slime: Kids love slime and you can buy little tubs.
  5. Stamps: Buy some spooky stamps to hand out.
  6. Play dough: Buy or make little tubs of play dough.
  7. Stationary: A cute eraser, pencil or pen are fun to get.
  8. Balloons: Kids love balloons!
  9. Stickers: Easy and cheap as you can buy them in bulk.
  10. Tattoos: Temporary tattoos are fun and cheap.

Do you get trick or treating kids at your house?

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Image credit: Shutterstock

  • Oh my gosh, no slime!!!!!!!! It gets in everything and everywhere and is so hard to get out.
    Same with bubbles, they’re so messy. We have floorboards and everytime my kids play with them, the floor is slippery and sticky. Numerous times I’ve almost broken my ankle.
    Love the stationery idea. This year I’m giving books and pop its as the kids still seem to be obsessed with them.


  • One year we gave the kids freshly popped pop corn and the kids loved it.


  • I bet some kids will be vocalling annoyed


  • Amazing ideas, but I hope the kids liked them if anyone tried them. Id love to hear how they went down with the trick or treaters


  • That’s a really good idea but I doubt the kids would appreciate the lack of sugar


  • Love the bouncy Ball idea. Great article


  • Great ideas


  • I always suggest non-plastic items too. SO much plastic just ends up in landfill 🙁
    We hand out lollies (although there is one large plastic bag they come in which we recycle), then we also have home made biscuits (no plastic) and often my kids will make halloween bats or other creepy crawlies out of cleaned toilet paper rolls.


  • We don’t have any kids trick or treating. We don’t celebrate Halloween and make sure our front light is off so no-one comes in. Need to do this as our dog has a habit of jumping up on strangers. Wouldn’t want her to jump on any kids and knock them over


  • Sometimes we get kids trick or treating.


  • I love some of these ideas. A great idea for me to get rid of some stuff too. I have just always gone the sweet treat option, but love to add this into the mix.


  • I’ve only ever given sweet treats,thanks for the ideas.Will get some balloons.My young grandkids always enjoy playing with these.


  • I can see a lot of this ended up all over the neighbourhood or just in landfill, I was hoping for something I did not need to buy,


  • Sure kids love with this ideas.


  • Some great ideas here. I will have some at hand. Whilst we don’t do Halloween, if any kids come trick or treeting I’m happy to give out what I have, usually chocolate of some sort, but some other treats are great. (saying that, our elf on the shelf does get into Halloween!!)


  • Thnak you for reminding me about it- will add some baloons.


  • Great ideas but you could also go completely radical and give out mini cheeses (I saw Halloween ones in Coles), mandarins you’ve coloured into a pumpkin face with a sharpie or excess tomato seedlings like one of my neighbours gave my kids. They loved the plant best of all.


  • These ideas would work for both trick and treat.


  • oooo thank you for this post, was just about to go do groceries and get some lollies for trick or treaters 🙂


  • They are since good ideas, but Halloween is only once l a year, I say let the kids have fun and eat lollies


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