

With Christmas just around the corner, health and wellbeing tends to get pushed to the side.


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Busy with festive preparations and enjoying the final month of the year; it’s not unusual to forget about those necessary health checks until you’re well into the New Year. But making it a priority, or encouraging close family members to do so too can make all the difference for a quality life.

According to the Australian Communication Exchange, 1 in 6 Australians are affected by hearing loss – even if it’s only partial. And you don’t need to be over 55 to experience the symptoms either. Whether it’s being exposed to loud noises for long periods of time in the workplace or out relaxing, the increase of hearing loss sufferers among younger Australians is frightening.

Have you or someone close to you been experiencing even the slightest symptoms of hearing loss?

Adding a hearing test to your Christmas list can be surprisingly fulfilling. A quick, painless hearing test can be effective in improving your life this year.

In the lead-up to the New Year, here are a few essential reasons why you should get your health in order – including your hearing:

1. Anyone can experience hearing loss at any age

Whilst it’s encouraged to have regular annual hearing checks when you’re 55 or over, hearing loss can happen at any age.

If you or a close family member has had constant exposure to loud and frequent noises as part of their work or daily lives, now can be the perfect opportunity to address the situation.

It doesn’t necessarily mean wearing a hearing aid right away, but a simple check can prevent further damage and keep your hearing under control for the future.

Because of the stigma attached to hearing loss, making the plan to get hearing checked can be something many want to avoid. Whilst hearing does naturally deteriorate with age, exposure to noise, certain chemicals found in drugs, disease and injury can all contribute to hearing loss.

But adding it to the Christmas list of someone whose health is important to you – like your mother, father, sister, partner or grandfather can point them in the right direction. Better yet, getting yourself checked too will encourage the process.

2. Detection and prevention can boost overall wellbeing

Early detection and prevention of hearing loss is vital to boosting your health and wellbeing.

Hearing loss isn’t just associated with difficulty hearing, but can accelerate other physical and emotional health issues like depression, dementia and Alzheimer’s – all things that can contribute significantly to your quality of life.

Making the call to undergo a hearing test before the New Year can get you and your loved ones into 2016 feeling better about overall health and wellbeing.

Once the symptoms of hearing loss start being experienced, regardless of how minor they are to begin with, it’s easy to ignore the signs or pass it off as something unimportant.

You or a loved one may start to avoid certain hobbies or situations previously enjoyed in attempt to brush it off but if left untreated, hearing loss will worsen overtime.

By getting checked early, people affected by hearing loss symptoms can go back to enjoying their daily commitments and if needed, be able to get a hearing aid they will actually wear.

3. No-one else is checking up on it

Hearing loss is something that isn’t commonly screened by the family doctor, it’s up to you to keep it in check. And with the festive season around the corner – a time for connecting with loved ones – it pays to help them look after their health and wellbeing too.

Most of us could get a usual check-up with the GP and appear to be in top-notch condition. But only 16% of routine check-ups will include a hearing exam.

If you suspect you or your loved one has early signs of hearing loss, arrange to have a hearing specialist take a look.

4. Experiencing the little things

Minor sounds, like hearing your children laugh or the cheers of your friends when you’re out playing a game of golf can all contribute to someone’s overall happiness.

Positive noises we take for granted and aren’t truly appreciated to they’re gone can be missed hugely by those with hearing loss. And it’s a struggle being on the outside of it too. Keeping up communication can be challenging when you’re constantly asking someone to repeat themselves, especially if they live far away.

5. Enjoy communicating with family and friends

The festive season is a time to enjoy with family and friends and effective communication can play a huge role in this.

Facing the facts of hearing loss rather than simply hoping the signs will improve can make communicating with the people in your life much more enjoyable and at ease.

No one likes to admit they’re experiencing signs of hearing loss, but noticing it in you or your loved ones and speaking up can contribute to getting back to a normal life sooner rather than later.

Do you or a loved one experience hearing loss? Please SHARE in the comments below.

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.com

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  • it used to be routine for kids to get them checked but now its not routine anymore.


  • sorry, I can’t hear you LOL


  • Good reminder and important for early detection.


  • I had mine checked and they discovered that the …..tubes in my ears were bent. I can’t remember the name of them. I can’t stand any pressure in my ears at all. The slightest amount gives me earache and headache. I am very prone to ear infections too.


  • thank you for the reminder will add that to the list next time I am at the doctors, I am pretty sure I have some hearing loss after my son who used to scream and continued to do so for 2 years right in my ears. I do have trouble hearing often.


  • It never occurred to me that I need to be getting my hearing checked but I will definitely be thinking about it now. Thanks.


  • yes i just saw the kardash’ ep where bruce had his ears checked on.


  • Thanks for reminding me – have already scheduled this and almost forgot it – it’s just before Christmas.


  • We are all very loud talkers in our house/extended family. My Mum wears a hearing aid begrudgingly that she often leaves at home or forgets to turn on! That is her stubbornness to have to wear the aid, which adds to our loud speaking and frustration that she can’t hear it. It’s an ongoing struggle until she accepts it’s a necessity. It’s common in my Mum’s family with her Mum and siblings all hard of hearing once they hit a certain age.


  • My Dad has a bit of hearing loss.


  • One day I will seek the courage to get a test as I worked with headphones for the last 25 years and think I maybe slightly deaf. Even if you go to regular nightclubs listening to loud music will affect you . It is a scary thought .


  • Good reminder. Some bigger business screen their employees with yearning tests apart from that, I have never had one. Something to consider for sure.


  • It’s so true that our hearing is always forgotten about. Must put on to do it list and actually get it done.

    • It is often the last thing for people to follow up on too!


  • My son is profoundly deaf (from birth). It’s important to be aware of the simple ways you can help people with hearing loss.


  • Lke hd

    • I kinda dont want ot hear you because nothing you ever say makes sense…
      As Pauline Hanson would say….Please explain??


  • No hearing loss problems so far. But 3 years ago I got a checkup anyway. I think I should book another one. It’s really important indeed!


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