

Mum’s horror as a common household product burnt her toddler leaving him looking like an ‘acid attack’ victim and scarring him for life.

A horrified mum has issued a warning to parents after her son was left looking like an “acid attack victim” by a household oven cleaner.

Two year old, Aaron Cadder, was playing in his grandmother’s kitchen when he got hold of the dangerous product and spilt it on his legs, reported The Daily Record.

The corrosive liquid – which is available to buy at supermarkets – soaked through the two-year-old’s trousers causing him to suffer serious burns and a frightening allergic reaction.

Mum Paula said when she first saw Aaron in hospital it looked like his “face had melted” and thought his little one would be left blind.

Paula Gibson, 25, from Glasgow , said: “He was in so much pain and never left my side afterwards.

“He looked like an acid attack victim.

“It’s just unimaginable that such a common household product could do so much damage.”

Scarred for life

“Thankfully Aaron has made a full recovery but he has been left scarred for life.”

Surgeons took Aaron into theatre where he was given a general anaesthetic so they could remove the dead skin and bandage him up.

Doctors revealed he’d suffered a third-degree burn on his left leg which stretched from his ankle to his groin, and he needed skin grafts to repair the damage.

Thankfully Aaron’s face wasn’t burnt by the cleaner – instead, he’d suffered an allergic reaction which doctors prescribed antibiotics and eye drops for.

And three days after the accident, the little tot underwent two skin grafts in a two-hour operation on his legs.

Paula says: “It was awful, I felt constantly sick with worry and couldn’t stop crying.

“After his operation, Aaron was forced to wear a half cast on his leg so he couldn’t bend it and undo the skin graft.”

“He’ll need more skin grafts in the future as he grows but we’re taking it each day at a time.”

Urgent message to other parents

“I want to urge other parents to keep their cleaning products in a top cupboard away from the reach of little ones.

“Now, I’ve got locks on our cleaning cupboard to ensure Aaron and Kelsey can’t get in there.

“You never think it’s going to happen to you but accidents can happen in a split second.”

Poor little man. We hope little Aaron heals up well.

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  • Im just stunned that they were not aware that ALL cleaning products need to be locked away or kept in high cupboards as they are all dangerous to children. Im kind of stunned that they were not aware. My Mum and Grandparents used to have all cleaning products locked away and I followed along and locked them away from my kids. I know my children will do the same when they have children as thats how they were raised.


  • Poor young lad. Just shows how much care grandparents must take if they babysit a toddler. They move lighting quick and do things before you realize the harm that can happen.


  • Poor little mite. Hope he’s ok


  • Why are people still using these dangerous chemicals, no wonder diseases are increasing. Keep them out of your house and especially ones with children in them , there are many natural products that work just as well, do your research.


  • Poor little man. Wishing him all the best for a speedy recovery.


  • Boy little boy. I use natural products much better on your body and environment.Doterra oils are great for cleaning. Hope he has a speedy recovery.


  • Poor little one – oven cleaner must be handled with caution.


  • Boy, that is scary, thank God he is OK now. Luckily he didn’t put any in his mouth.


  • lucky he didn’t drink it or his insides would have been damaged. I’m so sorry for the family. I hope he heals well.


  • I’m not surprised by this one – oven cleaner is nasty stuff and I only use it when I have to and definitely make sure the kids are not around when I do it. It’s bad enough to me when I use it!


  • How horrible. Oven cleaner comes with warnings all over it. You need to be so careful with all cleaning products. Even natural ones can be really nasty.


  • The poor little fella. Oven cleaners are generally very dangerous even for adults. You have to wear a mask and gloves and the messaging says not to get on your skin. It’s the one appliance in our house I refuse to clean for this reason – hubby gets the job. The smell irritates me and I’m a little careless so I fear for getting it on my skin. This poor little boy. I hope he has a full recovery.


  • Oven cleaners are very dangerous indeed …pray this little chaps scars will fade in time.


  • Oven cleaners are so bad. They are designed to strip through anything they come into contact with. Hence the keep out of reach of chldren warning label.


  • Oven cleaners are one of the worse cleaning products that can damage your skin, it’s always been common sense to Leo them out of reach of children


  • This is why we “keep out of reach of children” but you can’t help an allergic reaction unless you were aware of it before hand


  • That’s terrible. Toxic stuff for sure.


  • Poor bubba. Chemicals are just so dangerous.


  • In fairness, advice to keep cleaning products locked away is widespread.


  • I myself have had burns from spilling it on my skin, so I can only imagine the damage it can do to a child’s skin.


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