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A simple parenting decision set off a spiral of events that will stay with this family forever.

One day this family will be able look back on these days with mixed feelings, never forgetting the sheer terror and feelings of helplessness after watching strangers walk away with her sons, one a nursing newborn.

After their toddler threw a tantrum when he was asked not take his brother’s toys mum explains she tried several attempts to calm him down, she then proceeded to pick him up, and put him on the patio, staying by the open window inches away, where she told him he could come back in as soon as he stopped hitting her.

Unexpectedly her actions quickly became an unimaginable nightmare that lasted more than two months, shares Mom.me.

Just moments later she saw police carrying both children away and placing them in a police car.

Two hours after Vincent’s tantrum, there was a knock at the door. *Mary saw several sheriff’s deputies standing outside and quickly opened up, assuming there had been a crime or an accident in the neighborhood. She was completely dumbfounded when they told her that they were investigating her for child abuse and endangerment.

“It was like something out of a movie. It never occurred to me that putting my kid on the patio was an issue. We live in a secure, gated apartment complex, and there are at least 4 feet of hedges between the sidewalk and our patio. We literally know all our neighbors, and I was never more than 12 inches away—even if it was on the other side of an open window.”

For the next two hours, sheriff’s deputies interviewed *Mary and her husband, *Vincent, while everyone waited for a Department of Children and Family Services caseworker to arrive. Close to midnight, the deputies decided they were tired of waiting and asked *Mary to come to the sheriff’s station. They told her that her children would not be separated from them. She agreed, hoping to spare her children any further stress.

*”Mary” was charged with a 237(a)—misdemeanor child neglect—and her bail was set at $10,000. She spent the night with prostitutes and drug offenders, praying and watching as her children were carried back and forth for physical exams and questioning. She was repeatedly ignored when she asked to nurse her infant son, Marcus, who was exclusively breastfed.

Back at home, a DCFS caseworker showed up to interrogate her husband, the boys’ father.

“This guy seemed like he was trying to set us up. He asked me whether or not I knew that it was OK to hit a child, as long as it was with an open hand. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing!” he told me.

*Mary was released the next morning without having to pay bail and, after giving her cellmate a ride home, they started calling DCFS to get an update on the kids, their whereabouts and when they could be returned.

The parents wouldn’t see their children again for another three days. *Victor, the oldest, had been placed in a boy’s home in Compton, Calif., headed by an elderly woman who, in addition to her other young charges, cared for her husband who’d suffered a stroke. Their newborn was eventually located in a police holding facility where he’d spent days and would be held for another week before being placed in a foster home. *Mary and her husband were allowed a 2-hour visitation with each child. She wore sunglasses and spent most of the time crying and nursing her infant, who latched on to her with desperation.

It had been a week since the children were taken, and the infant had lost a lot of weight. His eyes were sunken.

“If there’s anything good that came out of his suffering, it is that we were able to use the before-and-after photos as leverage to get an emergency home inspection. If we’d waited for the Adoption Safe Family Act inspection, they would have been in a stranger’s house for another two months,” *Mary said, clearly still in pain over the ordeal.

One of the family’s friends who had been helping make phone calls and figure out the legal system, learned she was eligible to file for temporary custody of the children. The parents were still only allowed to see their children twice a week in a public place.

She’d been sure that her kids would be returned after the first court date—especially given the numerous signatures on a petition, photos that showed the patio was a safe area, and letters from doctors, teachers and friends.

“But that didn’t happen.” she said. “Our lawyer didn’t even present the evidence and allowed the prosecution’s comments to go without response. Before we knew what was going on, another hearing had been set.”

“As I complained to some friends, I learned that more than one of them had been in the same situation,” Mary told me. One mom had been arrested for slapping her teenager after she intentionally smashed her brand new iPhone, another one for play-kicking her daughter in the bottom.

By the time the final court date rolled around in January, the case was immediately dismissed.

“The prosecution and DCFS cited our willingness to learn in the dismissal, but I think the truth is they never had a case,” she said.

*Mary’s kids were returned to her in mid-January.  Their case was dismissed without trial almost two months later.

When asked what she would do differently next time, *Mary smiled.

“Well, I’d let my toddler have his tantrum in the living room. But I would also skip hiring a lawyer. The court appointed lawyer that was assigned to us did a better job than the one we hired and was less motivated to stand by while this case dragged out.”

*All names have been changed to protect the privacy of the family. Read the full story here

What a horrible situation! I could not imagine going through that ordeal – totally unnecessary don’t you think?

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  • This would have been awful! Although it’s kinda good that the neighbours are on the ball. Too much abuse and neglect goes unreported because neighbours are unsure or don’t know or don’t want to upset anyone


  • Absolutely intrusive and unnecessary! We all have these moments as parents, no child is perfectly behaved all the time therefore disciplinary action must be improvised so the child turns into a decent human being in this world!


  • I feel like I was a teen not long ago but that’s sadly untrue! I can remember being a teen and thinking, When Im a mum I’m going to give my children privacy! Now I’m a mum I still agree( with limits of course) social media and bullying are a major concern with the teens in this generation as long as you have awareness and boundaries for your teen give them the privacy they deserve, after all its all about growing up.


  • Another case of the wrong people being investigated and children getting hurt because of it. Surely there were enough serious cases with apparent proof to better spend their time on. I’m glad they got their kids back and it wasn’t worse.


  • i wouldn’t put my kid outside like that though. she should have gained control of the situation differently. try to use words and explain and have them try to explain what they are feeling and deal with it from there


  • This is a terrible ordeal for the whole family to go through. Sounds like the baby wasn’t taken care of when he was away from his mother. I used to shut my son in his room if he got out of control. He was told that when he calmed down he could come out again. I always pulled the door to but never shut properly. After a few minutes he’d either come out calm or I’d find him asleep in his bed.


  • In actual fact the Police and other authorities neglected the baby. It sounds as though the baby was malnourished. The baby would have fretted for Mum and was not used to alternative milk either.


  • Oh my gosh, how totally and utterly crazy. Definitely unnecessary.


  • Really? Surely not?? Better put my glasses on must have read this story wrong.


  • This is absolutely disgusting. How could they do that.
    I hope they provide counselling for the whole family


  • Crazy and scary at the same time !
    Typical the States, sorry for saying. Yes, a horrible situation ! To go through that ordeal is hard to imagine indeed. To say that it was “totally unnecessary” are words I wouldn’t use, I would say this experience was “totally damaging” and I wonder if they realize that.


  • This is terrible. How could they charge the mother for this? No, I really can’t understand it!


  • how ridiculous!! Those poor kids will be scarred now and the poor parents will have nightmares about this


  • How ridiculous the poor family! Mean while in Australia the system doesn’t even batt an eye when an ice addict who doesn’t buy food for their kids is reported. The system is seriously messed up. Makes me so mad


  • This entire story sounds like the plot of a movie – what an ordeal for this family.


  • Just shows how careful you have to be with the current litigious state we live in these days.


  • Seriously! How ridiculous! I’m sure there is more to this story than anyone knows…. but separating a newborn from its mum??

    • I was actually thinking the same thing country chick.


  • How horrible. Someone (we don’t know who) complained to DoCS that we yell at our son, sometimes saying the same thing repeatedly. Well, yes, I said to DoCS. When my deaf son asks me to say it again, louder, I do. Sometimes more than once if he asks me to. Luckily DoCS saw the sense in that.


  • Wow, that is unbelievable. My friend ‘dobbed’ in her sister in law for child neglect many times, she was 7 and didn’t go to school and had to look after her younger siblings, even cook for them whilst the mum went partying. Repeated calls to the authorities is what it took for them to take action! This woman did what she thought best in the situation and was in no way neglecting her child. That poor Mum and children. That little baby missed out on being breastfed by its mum for all this time-such a disgrace.


  • All mothers do the best to their abilities. But not all mothers or fathers know how to cope with out of control children. The one thing you must always remember is, ALWAYS keep your children safe. If you are finding a situation unbearable, out of your control, or need help, Please, please, ask for it. If you don’t have a mother, sister, father, aunt, grandparent or friend ask your elderly neighbour. I state again. Ask your elderly neighbour. I am a grandmother on my own and I would love to help any mother who has a problem. I am extremely good with children and there are thousands and thousands of women out there in all your communities like me that would love to help you. No embarrassment to ask for help, no guilt, no repercussions, no fear of losing custody. Just help. love to you all and hang in there your child needs you.


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