

A 22-year-old man has posted pictures of himself and his mother that have gone viral, with many unable to believe they are mum and son.

When 22-year-old Jonathan Nguyen from LA shared a picture posing with his mum, he never expected it to go viral news.com.au reports.

Jonathan’s followers were shocked to discover that the youthful, attractive woman in his pictures wasn’t his girlfriend, but that the photos instead showed mother and son!

Simple Secrets

Jonathan says the secret to his mum’s youthful appearance is pretty simple, with ‘lots of fruit and working out every day’ part of her regime.

“She works out every day and won’t eat any processed foods,” he told his followers.

While Jonathan can’t deny that the picture does look more like a couple than a mum and son, he says it can be awkward when he catches his peers checking her out.

“Having a young Asian mum is great until you see someone your age shooting their shot at her,” he admitted.


Age Is Just A Number

While Jonathan didn’t reveal his mum’s exact age, saying she is ‘in her 40s’, the post received unprecedented attention, getting over 14000 likes and nearly 8000 comments.

“Your mum looks like your sister – what’s her secret?” one Facebook user asked.

“Woah she’s beautiful – thought she was your girlfriend!” said another.

Have you been mistaken for your child’s sibling? Let us know in the comments.

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  • Apparently I dont look my age but even so I do not look young enough to be my daughters sister and I had her when I was 22


  • Wow! I don’t look this good now, let alone in 20 years! No chance I’ll be mistaken for my kids sister!!


  • God no! No way would I be mistaken for a sibling of my kids! Even the boy doesn’t look his age. I would put him early to mid teens, but he’s actually 22! Asians seem to age really well


  • Wowwww she looks bloody amazing


  • Lucky her for looking so awesome. I hope I look that good at her age.


  • Wow she really does look young. I can see how the photo confused people.


  • I won’t ever be mistaken for my kids siblings but that’s ok we can’t all defy age


  • Sure fooled me. Thought for sure she was either his girlfriend or his sister.


  • wow that’s amazing she looks like his girlfriend especially the way she is holding him in the photo


  • Haha, wow she looks amazing. Age is absolutely just a number, but a bit tricky when you’re being ogled by your son’s mates/peers.


  • Wow, that’s amazing, good on her!


  • Wow! I wish I looked as good as her and I’m 31!


  • Oh my gosh I wish I had these genes!! Good on her…I’ll just go reach for my wrinkle cream at age 30 now haha. Oh Well, we all have our strengths:)


  • I have found it almost impossible to recognise most Asian friends ages – one who is now 65 looks the same age as his sons and I do wish I could look as young as his mother – somehow they don’t seem to get wrinkles as most of us Caucasian types do. Lucky, lucky them.
    But do admit she does look wonderful


  • I have 2 kids who haven’t worked out how to sleep yet…I probably look 5 years older than I actually am. Just tired. lol.


  • I’m more likely to be mistaken for my kids’ grandparents!


  • She looks fantastic


  • People always ask me if I am studying,I dont know if I really look that young but I really want to look young in my 40s


  • That’s what taking care of yourself looks like. Sadly as soon as I turned 30 they stopped asking me for ID lol. Doubt I’d have ever looked as good as her though!


  • Holy moly she looks great for her age


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