

These young boys have chosen “Stand with Her” as their theme for Year 12 in 2016. Telling women “a thousand good men have your back”.


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Senior Prefect Jack Jacobs from Newington College said his year group wanted to find a social justice issue which impacted on the community and decided that gender equality and domestic violence were something young men should be talking about.

“We are 1333 young men and we can have an influence if we stand up for women.”

“You can’t lecture young men, you have to approach it as an equal and as a friend to say have you thought about your behaviour.”

“The language we use around women and girls is just as important. Are we being respectful if ‘bitch’ and ‘slut’ is being thrown around. “There is definitely a culture of the casual use of derogatory terms to describe women and we need to watch the language we use,” Jack said.

“There is the aspect of physical violence which can be behind the scenes but it can begin with the way we treat women on an everyday basis.”

The boys at the college took an oath  –  “I swear never to commit, excuse or remain silent about violence against women.”

A great initiative we need to introduce to all schools.

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  • A great initiative. Hope it gains some momentum.


  • i hope other schools follow suit.


  • bless every single one of them!


  • I hope this travels a long way it takes a village to stand up and be counted


  • Yes I totally agree we should definitely spread the word the domestic violence verbal abuse is absolutely not tolerated in our society good on you boys should be proud of yourself if we all spoke up about it it would help to prevent Loftus domestic violence and we should definitely interviews this into all schools let’s stand up and be count


  • It is not ok for anybody to be violent against any person, male or female, respect is were it all starts.


  • definately! this is a great way to raise awareness especially with the young ones


  • Well done boys, what a beautiful tribute. I am sure your parents and your families are exceptionally proud of you all :) It should definitely be encouraged at high school I think.


  • Social Justice is wonderful for all children to be involved in within their schools and communities. Well done to these young men of the future.


  • A beautiful action! The more awareness there is about violence against women, the better.


  • What a fantastic group of young men. There should be more of them.


  • What a fantastic group of young men. So refreshing to see this type of anti-violence stance – it will have a positive lasting effect for so many. Inspiring!


  • Awesome! Great to see the younger generation stepping up to do something. These are the ones we need to educate, for future generations


  • Lkefs


  • I think this is wonderful and more young men should be taking the same oath. I also think young women should understand when boundaries are crossed and what their course of action should be to keep themselves safe.


  • Viiolence of any sort, domestic, neighbourhood etc is never good, whether the offender or victim is male or female

    • Totally agree and well said.


  • What a fanatic idea. I think it’s great that domistic violence is now widley discussed and no longer a taboo subject and victimis feel that they can talk about their ordeal. We still have a long way to go but this initiative is great.


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