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There has been a social media storm over an image of the Prime Minister holding his grand daughter at the footy on Saturday.

WHY? Because he was drinking a beer at the same time, shock horror!

People are defending the PM saying ‘This is rubbish… let him be a grandpa’ and stop being ‘un-Australian’.

The prime minister faced backlash after sharing the photo of himself kissing his granddaughter, Alice, while holding a beer during Saturday’s Sydney Swans v Essendon Bombers AFL game, shared Daily Mail.

Mr Turnbull joked he was ‘multitasking at the footy’, but many social media users accused him of being an irresponsible child-minder.

Now, prominent Australians – including Opposition Leader Bill Shorten – have called the outrage an overreaction.

‘I’ve found something Malcolm & I can agree on. This is rubbish. Let him be a grandpa,’ Mr Shorten tweeted.

Entrepreneur Dick Smith said that those who can’t appreciate the typically Australian moment should move.

‘Australians need to get back to being Australian,’ he said, according to the Courier Mail.

‘People on social media can be so pathetic. This kind of outrage is so un-Australian. Go and live somewhere else if you don’t like it.’

Comments included:

‘Do you HAVE to drink alcohol whilst holding that baby? What is wrong with soft drink?,’ one concerned follower wrote.

Another said:’Does anyone see anything irresponsible with an adult hold(ing) a baby and juggling a beer? And when was drinking while holding a child OK?’

‘I find it disgusting to see people breathing grog all over baby’s but sadly I’m not surprised by Malcolm doing it.’

Angered followers even suggested Mr Turnbull staged the photo to target as many social groups as possible in a last-ditch attempt to win over voters.

‘Drinking beer, kissing babies, AND watching footy… you’d think he must be a politician.’

Do you think he did the wrong thing?

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  • Nothing wrong with this picture other then him wearing what looks to be a Swans scarf. It isn’t like it was a hot drink that could cause burns if spilt.


  • Turnbull makes me so angry, but this is not the right thing to be angry about.


  • I think this is a beautiful photograph of a caring granddad. Lighten up people.


  • Wasn’t the right thing to share on social media. Mum probably needed to make a loo run and didn’t want to take her daughter in there. At least he wasn’t standing up and jumping around while nursing her. Also I don’t see a table he could have put his drink down on.


  • Probably wasn’t the smartest thing but people are overreacting a bit.


  • lol what if it was a ginger beer or something else. meh…..lame…..more important things to worry about


  • Seriously?!? Who hasn’t had a drink while holding a baby?!


  • OMG trolls! Seriously, he is a grandparent showing his love for his granddaughter. Who cares if he has A beer in his hand, it’s not like he’s feeding it to her!


  • I agree with Bill Shorten and his comment – it is rubbish and let him be a grandpa. There is nothing wrong with this photo or having a baby at a football match and enjoying family time together.


  • I think this is absolutely ridiculous. For once showing the man as human and I think it’s a beautiful seemingly un-posed picture…….quite refreshing

    • I agree – unposed and captures a tender moment between grandparent and grandchild.


  • Seriously? I can’t see there is even any issue here at all for people to need to comment on! He is not drunk or putting his grandchild in any danger. If someone was smoking around a baby (which I see often in public) I would be absolutely irate, however all he is doing is holding her protectively, there is nothing bad going on here. I am much more shocked at the ridiculous comments people are making!


  • Ridiculous how people respond ! I drink a wine with my friend while my youngest climbs on my lap and I give her a kiss. Glad he as a grandfather shows affection to his grand daughter. His job has nothing to do with that.


  • for all you idiots complaining about this ought to go and get a bloody life, are you trying to say you have never held a baby with a drink in one hand?


  • Makes me puke. If he really loved his grandchild then why isn’t he doing anything about climate change and supporting renewable energy? The photo just shows to me his attitude of ‘she’ll be right mate’ while someone else has to do all the work to fix this country. Malcolm trying to be cool, well I think it is not cool, it is irresponsible for a PM to behave this way.


  • The people complaining about this photo must be perfect ???????? All I saw when I saw this photo is a granddad holding a baby having a good time watching football. Nothing sinister in it he’s not juggling a beer he’s not drunk he’s having a drink while holding a baby. People need to get a grip


  • Too many people sharing, and too many people criticizing. Life without social media is better 🙂


  • I think people spend way too much time criticising things that real people always do. I bet all those nay sayers are not perfect in everyone else’s eyes.


  • I think this a gorgeous photo of a moment in time with a precious grandchild. Those who are criticizing Mr Turnbull for holding a beer are way over the top, I’m sure many a person has done this, even those who don’t drink alcohol but who enjoy a hot drink whilst holding a baby. It’s not as if he’s giving the baby alcohol after all!


  • oh come on, this is a gorgeous photo of a doting granddad. Love it and good on you Mr Turnbull


  • Lets get real here shall we. Who has not nursed a child & had a drink in their hand as well? Mother’s do this all the time other wise they would never get anything done (they feed & have a drink at the same time) And lets face it, if it had of been anyone else nothing would have been said (or maybe it’s these idiots that have never had kids of their own so they would have no idea). Let it be & let him have a moment to spend with his kids/grand kids in piece. This just shows he is human

    • Me, I gave up alcohol once I found out I was pregnant and 17 years later never touched it again with no regrets. Best thing I ever did. From the first sip of alcohol it effects your brain and your way of thinking, so why risk it when looking after babies.


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