

A pro-vaccination message written by an Australian doctor has hit a chord with parents across the world.

Dr Rachel Heap, who works in the NSW Northern Rivers region, wrote a confronting message on the Northern Rivers Vaccination Supporters website – a message that is now being shared all around the world.

Denver resident Sunni Mariah was waiting for her appointment when she noticed the sign which she described as “throwing some serious shade”.

The note reads

“Not vaccinating your kids leaves them vulnerable to disease their whole lives.”

“When your daughter gets rubella when pregnant, how are you going to explain that you chose to leave her at risk?

“What do you tell your son when he breaks the news to you that he cannot have kids, thanks to the mumps that he got as a teenager?”

“What will you say when she calls you and tells you she has cervical cancer, because you decided she wouldn’t need the HPV vaccine?

“What do you tell your son when he gives the flu to his grandma? How do you explain that she won’t be coming home from hospital? Not ever.

“Do you tell them that you didn’t think these disease were that serious? That you thought your organic home cooked food was enough to protect them?

“Do you say sorry?”

Ms Mariah snapped a photo and shared the message to Facebook. It has since been shared nearly 200,000 times.

It certainly makes you stop and think!

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  • Well said people unfortunately people don’t realize the impact and the ramifications of not getting your child immunized


  • Those born prior to about 1985 or later caught diseases that there was no vaccines available for. Chicken Pox was definitely one of them.
    Fortunately not all guys who caught Mumps were unable to father children, but it was a common problem.


  • Whilst feeding my 3 week old the door bell rang. It was a co-worker dropping off a newborn present for my son. He appeared quite frazzled and left quickly. I turned round only to realise I’d walked out with one side of my nursing bra still hanging down revealing my breast!


  • That should get the message through for sure.


  • Fantastic notice – if you don’t talk to you doctor about this after reading this notice, you never will,


  • A very hot topic – even one I discussed when in an uber. I think there needs to be more education and also if vaccination is going to be compulsory everyone needs to be equip to be able to vaccinate their kids which curretly isn’t always possible.


  • This message makes a good point, but not good enough to convince anti vaxxers. I realise some kids can’t be vaccinated due to health reasons, but those who choose not to vaccinate won’t take any notice of this message. They’re one eyed and have their heads so far up their own butts,,,, they see nothing else.


  • I am not sure this poster will have the desired impact. Some people will vaccinate and some people will not. Discussions need to occur between GPs, nurses, medical staff and parents about the importance and reasons for vaccinations. Guilt/shaming does not always have the desired impact. Guilt/shaming is frowned upon in all others and education, understanding and discussion often achieve desired results.

    • There need to be more articles on vaccinations with factual information and links to studies- this may assist people with getting the information they need.


  • It’s a powerful message but kind of accusing. For many people those who don’t vaccinate are stupid and ignorant people, but really what do we do know of who they are and their reasons ?


  • While an important message, I really wish the guilt trip would stop. Not everyone can vaccinate. And even some that have had their shots, it’s failed, so not vaccinated.
    This has a huge impact on their lives but doesn’t mean they don’t feel the guilt.
    We are told we should be less judgemental and yet vaccinations are a black & white issue. There is a lot of grey, but no compassion for those that have to deal with that grey area.


  • I love this message, it’s so eloquent and home hard. I’ve never understood why people choose not to vaccinate and don’t seem to understand the basics for doing so. This points out the lunacy in terms that you’d have to sticking your head DEEP in the sand to not understand.


  • That is a striking message! I didn’t get the HPV because my mother and I didn’t think I would need it. So hopefully I don’t get cervical cancer down the track..


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