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Australian model and actress Ellie Gonsalves has shared an honest list of the 100+ reasons she doesn’t want children, resulting in a wave of public backlash.

While the decision to have to children or remain childfree is a personal one, Ellie decided to share her extensive list of reasons behind her choice to help give others a voice.

“There’s thousands of people out there who feel very seen by this,” Ellie explained on Instagram. “And equally as many who feel very triggered by it. So, let’s talk about it in depth with no filter.”

Ellie’s list of reasons to remain childfree range from humorous: “A foetus can dig their nails into your uterus,” to the serious: “Children can inherit emotional trauma”.

Ellie Gonsalves baby decision

Ellie explains that she had people try to talk her out of sharing the list, for fear of the criticism she’d receive, but she says she already gets hundreds of DMs telling her she’s horrible and broken.

“While some things on the list are satirical, many are serious and factual. Societal pressure when it comes to this topic are truly questionable and I believe unfair towards those with differing opinions and very rarely do we see a voice in support of this,” Ellie, who is married, explained.

Ellie Gonsalves baby decision

The Wildlife Warriors Ambassador, who appeared on Big Brother VIP, says she’s had people question her decision for her entire 15 year relationship with her Ross Scutts, who she married earlier this year.

“Sometimes I can answer it and those asking are respectful … I can probably count those experiences on one hand.”

Here’s a look at Ellie’s list:

Ellie Gonsalves baby decision

Ellie Gonsalves baby decision

Ellie Gonsalves baby decision


And as if to prove her point, her Instagram post was met with a slew of negative comments, calling Ellie ‘selfish’ and ‘vain’.

“Your ‘list’ on why you don’t want kids are all negative, but how about the Positives . The Positives completely outweigh. Of course it’s a person’s choice as to whether they want to be a Parent, but alot of your list were very vain reasons imo,” one person commented.

Another said: “Having children makes you selfless, all your thoughts are on this tiny person you bought into this world. The love is amazing. From the moment i saw my son i knew i would protect him no matter what. I believe that having a child has made me a better person. PS half of your reasons are ridiculous!”

“So much fear. Better not to have kids if that’s what you will instil into them anyway. Gosh, so many self centred people in this world.”

But there were also people reaching out with support.

“I’m with you. I’m 40, don’t have kids, and never wanted kids. I’ll be happy being a mum to fur babies. I had a coworker ask me once, “If you don’t have kids, who’s going to take care of you when you’re old?” I remember thinking, (and still do), that that’s a selfish reason to HAVE kids.”

What’s your opinion? Let us know in the comments below. 

  • Her list of reasons makes clear that indeed she shouldn’t have kids, however I don’t think she owes anyone an explenation.


  • You could just say ‘I don’t want kids’ ?! No need to write a list


  • Overanalysing and over sharing much? Make your own choices and leave it that Ellie.


  • Its her choice and good on her for voicing so publicly. Honestly bringing kids up in todays world is so scary and daunting. We I personally believe in a crazy world and it frightens me for our kids in the future.


  • Some of the reasons are silly but maybe that’s because she’s sick and tired of being asked why she doesn’t want to have any. I just hope she doesn’t get ridiculed too much. It’s their choice and nothing to do with any one else.


  • Good on you but do not give me so many reasons . Do not want is good enough


  • Having children is a big decision and a very personal choice. I really don’t understand the list though, and why she needs to justify her and her husband’s decision.


  • Good that this woman is honest towards her self and made the decision not to have kids based on this reasons


  • She’s obviously thought things over. More Cons than Pros for her. Her choice entirely


  • Each to their own. Personally, if that is her reasoning, she shouldn’t have kids.


  • Each to their own. An interesting list, but hey, not just having kids but living life can cause a whole lot of trauma too.


  • A lot of those reasons are selfish- just worried about how a kid might affect her life. Being a mother is about putting someone else’s needs above your own.


  • Why not just say she is selfish? Besides, it is beetter if selfish people do not have kids.


  • If she doesn’t want kids that’s her choice. And guessing she wrote the extensive list to stop people asking her why she doesn’t want kids. Would be a little funny if she changes her mind as she gets older but even then she’s entitled to do that too.

    • Yes I have a friend like that. She and her partner always used to jokingly say to glue the kids behind the wall paper. 10yers later they changed their mind and became the doting parents of a couple of kids.


  • Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. While I find some of her answers odd, and the list unnecessarily long I suspect it comes from being harassed for why is she not, why does not have children.


  • Good on her for maintaining making that list.. everyone has there reasons for or against having kids.


  • She’s entitled to her own opinion and thoughts about not wanting children! It’s sad she has to write such a list though, just don’t have them and get on with your life! But society pushes females to explain why and give multiple reasons… sad really!


  • She is totally allowed to feel this way and her serious points are very valid. I chose to have children and that’s okay too. Each to their own.


  • I love my kids dearly and wouldn’t be without one of them. They are generous, loving and caring and have given me beautiful grandchildren as well. A lot of what she says is repeated and goodness only knows where she got it all from. I have had some of the issues but they are able to be solved, and she will be an old lonely lady!!!!


  • Is she doesn’t want kids, she doesn’t need to explain or make a list to say why. Yes there may be lots of reasons to not have kids, but for some people there are so many reasons to have kids.


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