

The fatal risks of using medications to help your baby sleep.

Katie Mulkey of Ohio, dropped her son Haddix off at the babysitter’s house where his unlicensed childcare provider allegedly gave him two tablets (an adult dose) of Benadryl (cough medicine) to help him sleep because he was fussy.

When the babysitter went to the back room to check on him later, he wasn’t breathing.

The babysitter, Lori Conley, 43, was arrested and charged with murder and child endangering.

This tragedy happened two years ago but the family are understandably devastated and have taken the opportunity to educate and advocate against the use of medications to help babies sleep.

Dr Justin Smith a paediatrician and the Medical Advisor for Digital Health for Cook Children’s says:

1. Medications have indications for use and they should be used for those reasons and those reasons only.

Benadryl works fine for allergies and even for itching. Benadryl is not a baby sedative, period. The promotion of its use for sleep in babies is irresponsible and dangerous.

2. Medications have dosing for children.

The difference between the effective dose and the fatally toxic dose is not always as big as you think. Kids are harmed and die from overdoses of just about every over the counter medicine you can imagine. Know the dose and use the appropriate one.

3. Medications come with a dosing cup.

Use the cup or syringe to measure out your child’s medications. Using a teaspoon from home doesn’t work because they will likely under or overdose your child.

He says the use of medications is a huge responsibility.

Such a tragedy that should never have occurred.

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Image via shutterstock

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  • That is terrible. Why would you give allergy medicine to a child for sleeping???? Infact why would you give them medicine full stop for sleeping?


  • This is very sad. I think many people take the easy way out and think babies need a pill or potion to sleep. Even with appropriate doses or appropriate remedies, is there any need for it to be regular or a normal occurrence?


  • This would be devastating for the parents.


  • I so hope that the parents of the kid were not aware that she was planning on medicating him if he didnt sleep. Thats so very heartbreaking. I didnt have any family here and being new to the area I didnt have any long term friends so i never left my kids with babysitters. There was no one that i knew well enough.


  • How devasting.
    I cant imagine why at 43 year old woman would think its okay to give a child adult dosage of medication,
    You think where is the common sense, but obviously sense is not so common these days,


  • This is absolutely disgusting. That poor family


  • Awful story. Feel so much for the parent. Im not a control freak but when it comes to medication for my kids i always do it myself. Incorrect dosing can happen so easily. Different in this case as the babysitter used the medication for helping the child sleep – not as the medication was intended for in the first place.


  • Giving adult medicines to a baby? With their job, shouldn’t they have know about all the dangers?
    Poor baby!! And poor family, now left with this terrible grief.


  • How awful


  • Such a tragic loss for this family over something that could have been avoided.


  • omg how horrible for them!


  • How sad is that – The poor family :(


  • This is sad and a good reminder of checking everything


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