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A baby boy who fell into a camp fire in southeast Queensland is in a stable condition.

The four-month-old boy suffered burns to his left arm when he fell into the fire at Inskip Point around midday on Sunday.

He was taken to Gympie Hospital before being airlifted to the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital where he is being treated in the burns unit.

The Gympie Times reports the four-month-old boy suffered burns to 18 per cent of his body when he fell into an open fire at Inskip Point camp site MV Beagle.

More details to come…

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  • oh that poor bub, i hope he isn’t too badly hurt or scarred from the incident


  • Some babies can roll over quite easily at 4 months. What was he on that he fell off? Whatever he was on must have been too close to the fire. You can’t take you eyes off a child who can roll over if you are in a unsafe environment.


  • Wishing the little boy all the best for a quick recovery.


  • Yes, my first thought reading this article was as well how it is possible for a four month old to fall in a camp fire ??!!


  • How does a 4 month old get Anywhere near a campfire?


  • oh dear – that poor little boy – I hope he gets the best treatment, he must be in so much pain – I wonder how it happened?


  • Oh my goodness – the poor little one. I do hope he receives the very best care in relieving the pain of the burns and in healing.


  • Sounds more like someone dropped him.


  • I don’t remember how mobile a 4 month old baby is, something seems a bit fishy here


  • How does a 4 month old baby ‘fall into’ a fire pit? It’s not like they can move much by themselves. I cannot picture a baby so young falling


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