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Two giggling American teenage girls made a very stupid decision and have since been charged after they filmed themselves putting a baby into a fridge and closing the door.

In the news today it has been reported that the mother asked her niece and a friend to watch her seven-month-old daughter while she took a shower.

The pair posted the video to Snapchat on Monday night, raising alarm bells for Massachusetts police.

The teens were charged with child endangerment and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.

The girls were released to their parents after an arraignment on Tuesday in juvenile court. Their names have not been made public due to the young ages.

Police say the child was not in the fridge for long and is doing well.

“I know she wouldn’t hurt my daughter and that wasn’t her intentions. I think it was all foolishness, stupidity,” the baby’s mother told Fox8.

“I will no longer be leaving my children with my niece or her friends again ever in my life.”

You can watch the video on 9 News HERE

Very foolish and stupid decision!

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  • I can’t believe how stupid these girls were. This poor Mum thought that she could trust her niece to look after her baby while she had a shower. How can she ever trust her again. Just glad her daughter is okay.


  • i didn’t need to watch that video because that seems like such a foolish thing to do and these kids obviously lack the maturity that it takes to be in the position of minding other children. I know that i wasn’t that silly back then. How would this even be amusing to anyone?


  • The article states the 2 girls are teenagers. I wonder how old they actually are.
    I couldn’t bring myself to watch a video like that. Luckily the fridge door wasn’t faulty and didn’t have to physically or mechanically forced open.


  • When this act was done by a niece and her friend then you’re talking about the child of your brother or sister (in law). I wonder what this incident does to do family relationships !!


  • Not normal at all…


  • This is absolutely sickening and I will not watch any footage of such an horrendous act. The outcome could have been tragic. Why on earth would any young person think it fun or do such a terrible act – empathy and understanding appears to be lacking? I do hope the judge at juvenile court was severe and also hope other programs are in place to teach these children.


  • Seriously what is going on in their heads to think it was a good idea??


  • Babies are cool enough. How stupid is this.


  • A stupid thing to do indeed ! Glad the mom realizes that niece & friend wouldn’t hurt her daughter and that wasn’t their intentions, but also that she no longer will be leaving her children with her niece or her friends again ever in her life. Tough lesson learned I think !


  • This was just awful and I dont even know what i would have done if i had been this babies mother. I would do the same to them in a large freezer to see how funny they would think that was. I think its horrific


  • Do hope the judge scares some common sense into these two young idiots. Such a stupid thing to do – what have their parents been teaching these girls?


  • I don’t care what other people think but I feel these girls knew exactly what they were doing and they need to feel the full wrath of the law.
    I could barely watch the video it sent frighting freezing shivers down my spine.
    All my love to the young bub.


  • Very very stupid. At least Mum hadn’t left the house.


  • Just when you think you’ve heard it all and seen the most stupid people some moron does something even more stupid. Hope they feel very bad for what they did.


  • Blatant stupidity that could have had dire consequences. I hope they are reprimanded severely!


  • So much can happen in the time it takes to have a shower!


  • The fact that they put the video online, shows how much they thought this was just fun. Very irresponsible of them. I’m glad the child is fine.

    • I just do not understand this at all – why on earth would they do this and then post this – everyone would be repulsed. I cannot and will not even watch the footage. Children need protection, love and care. This just makes me so sad in every way. 🙁


  • They are very stupid young girls to put a child in danger.


  • Omg! My 3 year old has better judgment than that! That is awful. Hope a magistrate somewhere scares the absolute hell out of them and scares some sense into them.


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