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You started your recipe but realised that you need baking powder…but you have none. We are here to give you a good baking powder substitute that you can use to finish your recipe!

Every baking powder substitute is different and it fits a different kind of recipe so make sure you choose the one that suits you. Keep in mind that every ingredient will give a different flavour to the end result so a single substitute is not fit for every recipe. Luckily, we have a range of choices you can pick from depending on the situation.

1. Self-raising flour

Your first choice and probably your go-to substitute will be self-raising flour. If you cook, you probably have self-raising flour somewhere in your pantry. It is a cheap and simple ingredient that most households have and one of the best substitutes when it comes to baking powder. It is very simple to use as the only thing you need to do is replace the other flour the recipe requires. So if, for example, it asks for all-purpose flour just use self-rising and you are all done! The secret is that self-raising flour contains baking powder inside so it is an amazing baking powder substitute.

2. Buttermilk

There might be some cases where self-raising flour is not suitable and that’s ok! There are numerous alternatives to baking powder including buttermilk. Because of its acidity, buttermilk can be a good substitute when combined with baking soda. Baking soda is one of the main ingredients of baking powder and it is four times stronger. For one teaspoon of baking powder, you will need 1/2 cup of buttermilk and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda. If you have other liquids in the recipe then reduce their amount because of the addition of the buttermilk.

3. Yoghurt

Not everyone has buttermilk in their house and you are more likely to have yoghurt in the fridge. Keep in mind that you will need plain yoghurt if you wish to create the best baking powder substitute. That is because plain yoghurt has acid in it, just like buttermilk. So try to avoid any flavoured or sweet yoghurts because they are going to mess up the taste of the baking good as well. The dosage requirements for the baking powder substitute are the same as the buttermilk. Just mix all your dry ingredients separately, including the 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda, and then add the 1/2 cup of yogurt.

4. Cream of tartar

Cream of tartar is very popular as a baking powder substitute. This one is not a liquid but a powder that has an acid in it, just like the previous two ingredients. It is mostly used because of its simplicity since the only thing you have to do is mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda with half a teaspoon of cream of tartar. This combination will be very successful in creating the leavening effect of baking powder.

5. Vinegar

Did you expect to see vinegar? If you noticed, there is a pattern here. Acid is needed in order to create the leavening effect baking powder has. When the right type of acid is mixed with baking soda then it successfully creates that effect and avoids flat baking goods! Now, you need to be careful with vinegar as it has a strong taste and it might change the flavour of your baked goods. Add one quarter of a teaspoon baking soda and 1/2 teaspoon of vinegar in order to replace the baking powder and you are done! This little amount will not affect the taste.

It might be very tempting to use baking soda on its own after seeing how it can work in different combinations. Please don’t do that. Baking soda lacks the acid that will cause the leavening reaction. This means that if you use it on its own as a baking powder substitute your baked goods will turn out flat.

Please keep in mind that you need to be careful when choosing a baking powder substitute and make sure that the baking powder substitute matches the rest of the recipe.

If you haven’t found the perfect baking powder substitute don’t worry! Our gluten free brownies and no-bake recipes don’t need any baking powder and they are delicious!



  • Great options! Thanks for sharing


  • I have these items already so thanks for the article!

    • I have all of these staples too.
      Pantry must haves for many people and so useful.


  • I love recipe and cooking tips and I love these tips – thank you!


  • What a wonderful post – I never knew about all of these only the Cream of Tartar and Baking Soda mix. I’ll be trying some of these.
    Thanks so very much for sharing.


  • Wow I had no idea any of these can be substituted! Most of the you always have in the pantry so good to know


  • Oh I need to save this list for future reference.


  • Great idea to put the items in one list thanks


  • Have saved just incase I ever need this list!


  • I’m not sure I’d be confident enough to try anything other than SR flour.


  • Very interesting! Would never have thought to substitute with any of these!


  • I wasn’t aware some of these were substitutes.


  • I never knew that 4 of these could be substituted!


  • I never knew wat cream of tar tar was and how it was used


  • I bake and like the baking soda and cream of tartar, but not everyone will have cream of tartar in their pantry.


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