

A sweet breastfeeding photo has sparked major debate on social media.

Coco Austin, the model and reality star married to rapper and Law & Order: SVU actor Ice-T, shared a photo of their nearly 3 year old daughter, Chanel, blissfully dozing away on her semi-exposed chest.

Coco shared that she is still breastfeeding the toddler — “but it’s more for comfort now.”

While many fans were touched by the intimate image, praising the “beautiful bond” of nursing, others suggested that Chanel, who turns three in November, is too old to be breastfed. Some, of course, even made sexual gibes about Coco’s breasts.

Thankfully the positive comments outweighed the ridiculous ones.

The image captioned: “I follow some mother impowering pages here on Instagram and I love the inspiring pics they post showing the tenderness and love between a mother and child with or without nursing moments.. I love that I can be a part of that.
@babychanelnicole has made me a more sensitive person now that I’m older.”

We have shared before a story from Milk Meg about how she comfort fed her baby nephew to help him settle – read more on that here.

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Via instagram

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  • Its not porn to me but there are some very creepy people out there that im sure would find it a turn on. If that doesnt worry you then feel free to post your photos like this. if you dont want to deal with thinking about some weirdo getting excited over your photos then simply dont post them. Each of us are in control of that.


  • A friend of mine was thinking about weaning her daughter who was nearly 2 years old. She had continued feeding her because she had a really reaction to milk when she tried to introduce it
    My friend’s milk was reducing and her daughter starting pulling her dress up in public and just wouldn’t stop. She was weaned pretty quickly when Missy persisted with that.


  • I think it is a very sweet photo. How long she breastfeeds her daughter is up to her.


  • Each to their own but breast milk is only necessary for the first 12 months. I feel that prolonging and drawing it out could potentially be damaging to a child’s independence. She even admitted it says in the article above that it was just for comfort. There are other ways to comfort a child, after a certain age it is a bit of an unhealthy attachment.


  • Absolutely gorgeous photo’s. Love them to bits.


  • Beautiful pictures !


  • Its not rocket science. if you don’t want people to comment or have an option then don’t post online – simple. Sadly Anything you put on line is up for criticism good and bad. Thats just the way the world is today….


  • All I see are photos of mother and child bonding and feeding and nothing more! Concerning that some people sexualise them!


  • These are gorgeous photos. Shame on people sexualising these precious moments.


  • So cute and cuddly and having a great sleep

    • I also say if you’ve not nothing nice to say then don’t say it at all.


  • Oh that last photo is just gorgeous. I miss cuddles like that


  • Absolutely ridiculous that she is being ridiculed for feeding her child! Breastfeeding is an amazing bond between mother and child, and it’s no one else’s buisness when that needs to stop!

    I will be breastfeeding my daughter until she naturally weans, be that 12 months or 6 years! People need to realise breastfeeding isn’t a dirty thing!


  • How ridiculous that she should be being shamed – children decide when they want to stop breastfeeding provided the milk is still there. Much older children are breastfed because they still want their mother’s attention – I don’t see anything wrong with this photo at all.


  • What a shame that some people take a beautiful innocent photo and be horrible about it :(


  • God forbid we use our boobs for their original purpose

    • Exactly! It really does depend on how they are viewed. They are functional and serve a purpose in feeding children!


  • Nothing wrong with this picture at all
    Go her for continuing her journey this far


  • Its a beautiful picture! She looks stunning and her girl looks beyond sweet.


  • There’s something wrong with people who try to turn a natural thing like breastfeeding into something sexual/ pornographic
    There is nothing wrong at the pic at all. The only thing I didn’t like is her boobs look amazing compared to my breastfeeding destroyed ones ????????


  • How could this possibly be pornographic? It’s just a pic of a little girl getting comfort from mummy’s boobies.


  • That little girls looks so comfortable with her mum! :-)


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