


It seems like just yesterday that Britney Spears became a mum for the first time.

But time certainly has flown, with the pop princess having a joint birthday celebration for her sons in Los Angeles across the weekend.

Her boys with ex-husband Kevin Federline were only born a year apart, with eldest son Sean Preston turning nine on September 14, and Jayden James turning eight on September 12.

Britney threw a skateboard-themed birthday party for the pair, posting this gorgeous photo on social media with the caption:

“Happy birthday to my two baby boys. They are growing up too fast!!!”

The 32-year-old singer is very close with her little sister Jamie-Lynn, who sent her best wishes to her nephews despite not being able to attend the bash, posting on Instagram:

“Happy Birthday Jay-Jay and Preston!! Wish we were there!! Love y’all!!

Britney launched her new intimate apparel range at New York Fashion Week late last week, and while fans are keen for the superstar to release a new album, the star isn’t in any rush, saying that the writing is coming “very slowly, but progressively.”

Main image courtesy of Instagram
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  • two gorgeous boys growing up fast…I cant believe they are that old already!


  • Also; glad she is writing a new album.


  • Lovely family photos of Brittney and her boys.


  • It seems like just yesterday she was losing the plot, glad to see she is got it back together and doing well


  • Wow, time fly’s doesn’t it, didn’t realize her or her kids were those ages.


  • What a turn around for Brit. She seems have put things behind her and recovered….good for her!


  • I love brit. her kids are gorgeous.


  • Even time goes quick for those in the spotlight, the boys look happy and it seems only yesterday were they born.


  • Can’t believe its been that long already!


  • yep time does go too fast. i wish they would stay babies and toddlers forever because they are so cute! everything they do (almost) is so cute and they just love you and follow you everywhere


  • I also know a family whose wedding and their childrens birthdays (7 years apart) were on the same date.


  • They certainly are close together. I have 2 nieces 2 years minus 2 days apart. Their Grandma’s birthday is in between. 3 birthdays in 3 days. Grandma’s uncle is the same day as hers.
    A very hectic time.


  • Babies grow up way too fast! I wish we had a pause button


  • Too cute geez time has flown by


  • They look so happy! I agree with her sentiments completely! My kids are well and truely growing up too fast!


  • I feel the same way. Time is going far too quickly and I only have the one.


  • These little boys look very happy! Britney seems to be a good mum!


  • I feel the same about my daughter, she has just grown so quickly I feel it’s whizzing by too fast, I’m not ready for her to become a young woman just yet, I want to enjoy more of her childhood.


  • A skateboard party is quite a good theme for that age.


  • Happy Birthday! They look so happy!


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