
July 26, 2018


We’re big fans of the gorgeous House Rules star and mum of two boys, Maddi Wright, and love the honest #MUMLIFE glimpses that she shares on her MrsMaddiWright Instagram page. We were lucky enough to have a chat with Maddi to find out what she does to help support the health of her family. Here are a few of her secrets…

Maddi, your boys are gorgeous – how old are they?
I have two boys, 15 months apart. My youngest, Marlow, is 1.5 years old and my eldest, Carter, is nearly three.

You seem to be juggling so many roles – how do you do it all?
To be perfectly honest, I don’t know. I get asked this question A LOT. I work full time, run two businesses, and both my kids don’t sleep through the night. I’m knackered, to put it politely. I have a VERY supportive husband who has stepped up his game since I went back to full time work. The trick is to roll with the punches and try not to sweat the small stuff. Becoming a mum has made me learn to juggle like a professional circus act. It keeps you constantly busy EVERY SECOND of the day…and night.

What is your secret to keeping healthy when you’re a busy mum?
Keeping lots of healthy snacks at the ready! This is easy when you have two toddlers to feed. We have chopped up cucumber, carrots, dates, coconut and water crackers, always ready to eat. I try to get to the gym at least once a week and in between my boys keep me on my toes ALL DAY.

We’ve heard that you’re a big believer in probiotics. Why?
When you have kids, you tend to forget about your own health for a while. I try to be conscious of my gut health though, and I love that probiotics can help support the health and function of my digestive tract.

I’ve started taking Life-Space Broad Spectrum Probiotic Powder. It has fifteen different strains of beneficial bacteria which help support a healthy immune system and may assist in maintaining the beneficial gut flora that can be disrupted by antibiotics.

I add it to my shake every morning.

Do you give your sons probiotics and why?
When both boys were younger, I asked other mothers what they were trying for their kids and ALL of them said they had started adding probiotics to their diet – so I finally tried it and the kids love it.
I give them Life-Space Probiotic Powder for Baby. Probiotics may encourage bacterial diversity, which in turn helps to support a healthy microbiome, the good bacteria that live in us and on us. I’ve read that a child’s microbiome is almost fully developed by the time they turn three.

Probiotics may even help support the health of our little ones’ immune systems.

The Life-Space formula is vegetarian-friendly and you don’t have to keep them in the fridge, so they can travel with me. Perfect for popping in their bottles just before nap time.

I was worried how the taste would affect their milk, but they actually love it, and if I forget to add it to their bottle, they run to the pantry and point to it!


What are your top tips for keeping fit as a busy mum?
Stop feeling guilty, but I know it’s easier said than done. Try and make time for yourself – go to the gym or for a walk; commit to it and don’t make the kids an excuse.

How do you get your kids to eat their veggies?
One of my kids is a herbivore and lives off cucumber, capsicum and carrots. In fact, some days we need to ration his veggie intake! My other child is a different story, so we’ve started calling veggies different names like ‘trees’ for broccoli, and playing games where we race against the dinosaurs to eat out veggies. It’s all about trial and error – some days they work, some days they don’t.

Always read the label. Use only as directed. Supplements should not replace a balanced diet.

This article was commissioned by the team at Life-Space. The MoM editorial team compiled this article after working with the team at Life-Space and realising how many mums love high quality, specialist probiotics for every stage of life.

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  • Probiotics are so important for so many things.
    They have now found that they are very important for cancer patients as they help the cancer drugs work faster and stronger.


  • We’ve had to experiment by using different names for food too – for one child it started about 7 years ago. Now we’ve started with our 2nd child.
    Cauliflower is white trees, broccoli is green trees. Peeled pears are white potatoes – except that one didn’t work. It was worth a try. She loves to look at them but won’t eat them.
    Letting the children choose in the shops doesn’t always work even when they have had them a few times and asked for them, You buy more when they ask and they suddenly don’t like them and won’t touch them. So vfrustrating.


  • Life space getting plenty of advertising here.


  • Seems it’s just an ad.


  • Ugh, I got suckered into reading a whole lot of normal conversation before suddenly seeing the product plug. I wish you’d put disclaimers at the beginning of the article!


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