

Concerns raised after it has been discovered that four patients have received donor tissue from a cancer sufferer.

Three children and a fourth patient received tissue from a donor who had brain cancer, Queensland Health authorities have revealed.

Queensland’s chief health officer, Jeannette Young, has made the alarming revelations while announcing a review into the state’s trouble-plagued heart valve bank, reports Yahoo 7.

The valve bank has been closed since January, with two staff suspended on full pay and doctors forced to source tissue from donors interstate.

More details to come…

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  • Concerning indeed !


  • The news item said there was a very slight chance of it being a problem. Worrying for the parents at any chance of cancer.


  • This is very disturbing! Were they not conducting the proper tests? Or were they ignoring the results because they were so short on donors?


  • Worrysome time for the parents


  • How horrible for all those involved :(


  • That’s a really dreadful failure. How horrendous for recipients.


  • How truly awful for these families.

    • I hope the review/inquiry is extensive and people get answers and that this never ever occurs again! Hope every support is given to the impacted families too.


  • You would worry for years afterwards!


  • I wonder how long it will take to find out the results? That must surely be the worst, waiting.


  • I pray and Hope that the tissues are not contaminated with cancerous cells


  • Concerning ! Hope and pray this isn’t the case and they find out soon and if it is the case they can start treatment ASAP


  • Omg, as a parent, my heart just sink if this happened to us. Fingers crossed it was nothing cancerous


  • Hopefully the tissue they received wasn’t containing any cancerous cells. Hopefully they find out soon


  • Terrible for those who received it,l wish them lots of luck!


  • HARD to comment on this as I do not and can not get the story.


  • Does this mean the recipients are now likely to get cancer because of the donated tissue? If not, I don’t see the issue


  • This is awful I hope they work it out asap.


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