


Missy Higgins has welcomed her first child into the world. 

The Australian musician took to Instagram yesterday to announce the birth of her son with fiance Dan Lee, posting this gorgeous photo with the caption:

“Our little boy Samuel Arrow Lee arrived yesterday. Not sure how we managed it but he seems perfect. And we’re besotted! Let the adventures begin…”

The 38-year-old announced her pregnancy in August and has been touring in recent months, promoting her latest album and book, both entitled Oz. 

Baby Samuel is the first child for the couple, who met in Broome and became engaged in December 2013.

We know you will join us in sending a very big congratulations to Missy and Dan at this very special time.

What advice would you give to the new parents? Tell us in the comments below. 

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  • Take as many photos as you can


  • What an adorable baby – congratulations to Missy!


  • ohhh absolutely adorable!


  • Wow, this happened while I was on holidays! I’m so pleased for Missy. Be in the moment, rest, rest and more rest, and accept help from anyone who offers it — food, cleaning ….


  • Enjoy every minute with your precious bub!


  • How adorable! I’m besotted with him to


  • A big congratulations on ur lil man. May u all hve a great life watching each other grow.


  • such a great singer! Congrats!


  • Congratulations to Missy & my advice to them is enjoy every minute as they grow up so quickly


  • Love at first sight! Congratulations Missy & Dan he is gorgeous!


  • Congratulations


  • Congratulations he looks so perfect and very comfortable in the arms of his mummy


  • Well that name is super cute and congrats so much for the two of them the only advice i have is enjoy it all


  • What a beautiful photo, Samuel looks so alert. Congrats and wishes for health and happiness are being sent to you all.


  • What a lovely photo enjoy every moment it goes to fast


  • Congratulations to Missy and Dan. We are huge fans of Missy after seeing her perform as opening act for Jewel many years ago At the Rocheford winery. Loved her from the first song and wish her and her little family much happiness.


  • Congratulation, he my be perfect but I imagine he will have a wonderful set of lungs, enjoy your baby,


  • Lovely baby news; congratulations! A lovely name too!


  • I do think that bubba looks a lot like mumma already! Very cute! That first skin to skin contact is such a priceless moment.


  • i love that name! congrats! cute baby


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