
November 4, 2019


Love her or hate her, Constance Hall certainly knows how to tap right into the heart of her besotted followers. And the controversial blogger/author/fashionista and astute businesswoman has launched her new book, a guide on how to survive separation and divorce.

You can’t help but admire Constance Hall’s rawness and honesty and her ability to connect with her fellow ‘Queens’. Her openness and crass language have also created a band of trolls and she has often lamented the effects of her vicious opponents on her mental health.

Tales Of Marriage Mayhem

Sharing her own stories has created an open door for women all over the world to unmask their sadness and traumatic experiences. A few months ago, Hall called out to her fans to share their stories and the cult author’s new book  “is a compilation of a lot of women’s stories of divorce,” as she explains on her facebook page.

The Birth Of The Book

In May this year, Hall posted on her facebook page:

“I saw my girlfriend, she was devastated. Her husband had left her for another women.
“I don’t want to be a divorce” she said.
And it occurred to me. The media has portrayed divorcees in the wrong light.
I mean, I’m jealous of my divorced mates. They are living their best lives, like some kind of a mod life second wind. I was living vicariously through them.
That’s when I realised, I need to write a short book, a bible for the newly divorced, something you can buy them for the divorce party. And I’m naming it “Happily Ever Fuck That.”
And I want your stories.”

Now that the book has been published Hall says:

“Receiving thousands of submissions, intimate stories of love and loss and empowerment has been eye-opening.”

And this was a catalyst for Hall to compile these stories into an in-your-face book called: “Happily Ever…F*ck That”.

She describes the book as “Every Queen’s Bible for divorcing, separating and walking away”.

What It’s All About

“Happily Ever…F*ck That” has been written for “all the misunderstood legends that could change your whole opinion on getting chucked back or plonking yourself back on the shelf?”

Hall explains: “The realities of separation are so much more heart wrenching, exciting, scary, fun, lonely, hilariously unethical and X rated then what we see from the outside looking in.”

“This is the book that empowers the separated. I f*cking hope you guys love it,” Hall said on a facebook post introducing her book.

She has bundled an incentive with the book saying that the purchase will “come with access to a closed group of all separated, divorced, legendary Queens dancing their arses off on that shelf of ours.”

The Response

Fans have responded with uproarious praise to the announcement of the new book, with many admitting that this book has been written specifically for them.

“This is just the read I need right now. So raw out of a separation. :( I hope to regain that strength to go on.,” one fan said.

“I can’t wait for this book. I need it to give me the strength to walk away from a narcissist right now,” another admitted

“I so need to read this right now to give me the strength I need to make a decision. Who knows what my future will hold,” read a comment.

Still Married?

And those that are still happily married?

The true fans will still buy the book, it seems.

“I’ll have to explain to my husband that I just love your books and to not be concerned by the title when he sees me reading it.” said one loyal follower.

This is Hall’s third book, following on the bestselling success of “Like A Queen” and “Still A Queen”. She also sells a variety of fashion, accessories and skincare products on her online store.

There is no launch date specified for the book but it’s ‘coming soon’, according to Hall’s facebook page.

Are you a Constance Hall ‘Queen’? Do you follow or unfollow her or have never heard of her? Tell us in the comments below.


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  • Im glad the I have never had to deal with this.
    I did deal with the passing of a husband and that was of course very life changing.


  • Her own divorce got pretty ugly; not something to aspire to.


  • she certainly sounds like an interesting character


  • I used to follow her and enjoy her posts.
    However a didn’t agree with some things she posted online and decided to unfollow her.


  • All a little bit of fun


  • First saw this young woman on Dancing with the Stars and looked her up – she certainly calls a spade a spade and not a shovel, but just maybe that is what is needed more in this world.
    Having picked myself up from a divorce, I would love to read her collection of stories. Pity I didn’t know she was writing this book – my story would have probably ended up in it.
    Don’t know too many other women whose ex’s said they were poor and I was the breadwinner in the family which ended up with me paying alimony for my kids that he had threatened to kill if I took them with me when I left after not being able to stand his dalliances anymore, especially when he brought one home and she suggested I could have him through the day while she had him every night.
    But I have moved on and have a fantastic relationship now and all my kids still love me as well and credit me for their upbringing to make them decent humans with a great work ethic.
    Must have done something right.


  • Yeah she’s not my cup of tea


  • While it wont be everyones cup of tea, I would be interested in reading this book


  • Not keen on reading anything by her.


  • I’ve seen a few of her posts because my sister shares them with me but I think she’s doing well for herself!


  • Havent read her other book, not a big reader


  • I look forward to reading it.


  • Hate the title, hate the photo. Perhaps she will earn a living from being so gross but not from me, I won’t be buying her book.


  • No idea who she is and after seeing that photo and book cover. I have no desire to find out


  • I hardly follow anyone on social media.


  • I never heard of her before.


  • I had no idea who she was until she appeared on Dancing with the Stars and caught her story about trolls and I actually reached out and wrote to her via social media to stand with her


  • I have no idea who she is?!


  • I’m not a Queen but I do tend to read articles about Constance. I think she is treated apallingly by trolls and it is not okay. I don’t follow her socials, but sadly she’s often in the media when someone has done or said something about her. I loved her TED talk. I do think she is inspirational and real and honest and raw.


  • I know it is a majority if women who are deserted or abused.
    Has a guy written a book for men in the same or similar situations – especially those who walk out and don’t bother to take the children with her or make any other alternative arrangements for them at all.


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