

Father-of-three performed some cool ballet moves while holding his daughter’s hand after she suffered stage fright during a performance.

Footage shows Marc Daniels rush to help his youngster during a dress rehearsal for her first ever dance recital.

He can be seen pirouetting and gracefully balancing on one leg beside his two-year-old daughter Bella as parents and teachers giggled.

‘Bella was very emotional and needed hugs from her daddy,’ said Mr Daniels.

‘Despite having a tantrum, I can tell she wanted to stay on stage and I didn’t want to discourage her before the big performance by making her be the only one to come off.

‘I walked on holding Suri and stood next to her, trying to help build her confidence – I told her I loved her and that she’s an amazing dancer.

‘I asked if she wanted to dance with daddy and she nodded, so I thought I’d join in.

‘I’ve practiced with them at home on many occasions so it wasn’t unfamiliar to me.’

The video has gone viral with over 611,000 views.

Go dad! Good on you for supporting your little girl x

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  • That is love, brilliant to see father caring for his children to this extent. It gave me tears of joy to see. Thank you for sharing this.


  • I love that he knows the routine. He is obviously a very hands on and loving Daddy! Lucky kids!


  • oh what an amazing dad he is – I saw this and cried – really touching that he would do that for his little girl – thanks for sharing this :)


  • There are so many wonderful parents out there, it’s nice to see the lovely stories.


  • Go dad!


  • How beautiful and supportive he is he’s fantastic


  • Beautiful and sweet !


  • Well done dad. Proud of you in putting her first and giving her the encouragement she needed….teaching bubs a few steps to help!!????


  • He’s got some moves lol. What an awesome dad


  • That is so sweet! What a champion for showing his girl its ok to be scared but not to give up.


  • I love this. Being a parent means being unembarrassable.


  • Too cute. Maybe a sign that the 2 yo isn’t quite ready for public performances


  • So adorable. What a great dad!!! :-)


  • Good on him. What a wonderful memory caught on film.


  • A very cool dad,well done!


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