

A father-of-three took the opportunity to address his son’s poor brushing technique and dental hygiene when he recently lost a tooth.

The dad, who penned the letter under the moniker Barry T. Tooth Fairy, highlighted the “trace amounts of Fanta™ and residual amounts of both cereal and chocolate” that were to blame for delayed payment.

He explained “We expect a certain amount of wear and tear on the teeth we appraise,” the letter goes on to explain, adding:

“However in this case your tooth had to be referred up to the committee for further analysis”.

Warning Letter

Barry T. Tooth Fairy was still kind enough to leave some loose change alongside the warning letter, saying the payment had been made in good faith, with the expectation “the condition of your next tooth will be significantly better, or we will withhold payment.”

His post has received over 6,800 retweets and 18,000+ likes


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  • This is fantastic. Gave me a good laugh, but seriously a great idea!


  • That is so awesome! What a great dad!


  • This is really funny.


  • Love this approach – it will do more to get the child to look after his teeth than all the talks by mum and dad ever will.


  • people sure get creative in the parenting department now and i guess that it does save a lot of ranting on your behalf


  • Love it! I remember “Santa” telling me I needed to clean my room more often!!


  • I assume the sweets were provided by the parents – so maybe a stern letter too! ;)


  • A creative approach, but the parents are the ones who feed their children in the end ;) Teaching our kids to brush their teeth can be challenging for some. Their are some nice books out which can help bring the importance of tooth brushing (like “Karius and Bactus) together with Dental visits.

    • I agree with your comment – role modelling and dental awareness.


  • I think this is a good idea. Very creative and hopefully encourage us young lad to take more care of his teeth


  • My daughter took such good care of her baby teeth that they refused to fall out. She had to have six baby teeth extracted by a dentist to allow the adult teeth to come through. Also, cherz makes a good point.


  • I am 50 50 on this one.
    Who buys the Fanta and chocolate …surely not the young lad. I feel these parents need to step up to the plate as well. Fanta is a very bad choice of refreshment. Parents need to encourage the drinking of water and show the correct method of brushing the teeth and if needed supervise the ritual.


  • What a creative idea, good on you.


  • Well worth trying! Clever man!


  • A very interesting way to get his son to step up on his dental health!


  • That is absolutely brilliant!


  • Very clever! A great idea that will certainly see an improvement in his sons’ brushing habits!


  • Oh! That’s so cute. I love this dad’s idea. And I am sure his child will take more care of his teeth from now on. Positively impressed! :-)


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