

You’re trying to make dinner for the kids while they’re running around like crazy banshees. The phone rings and it’s some pesky salesperson trying to ply you some new insurance policy. How did they even get your number? Grrr….What a waste of time. Here’s how to put a stop to these annoying calls.

The Do Not Call Register is a secure government database where individuals like you can register, check or remove your Australian telephone, mobile and/or fax number to opt out of receiving most unsolicited telemarketing calls and faxes.

Once your number is registered, it will stay on the registry indefinitely unless you want the number removed!

How Does The Register Work?

Telemarketers have 30 days to recognise the registration of a number and to stop contacting that number. So after 30 days you should notice a distinct drop in the frequency of telemarketing calls you receive. Any organisation that calls a number listed on the register, or arranges for this to occur, may be breaking the law and could face penalties.

How Do I Register?

To register a number, visit the website https://www.donotcall.gov.au/consumers/register-your-numbers/ . All you have to do is submit your phone number(s) and your first and last name. Then once you click submit your number(s) will be registered!

That’s it! It’s so easy!

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  • I am registered but it still doesnt stop charities calling and the local real estate agents also.


  • I know a guy who kept getting a call from a bank he had borrowed money from. (they had creditted the wrong account with the payment) When he answered the phone and was told the person’s name he was then asked for his date of birth, His reply was you know who I am am and have my file, to tell me what my date of birth is and I’ll confirm it if you are correct. Bank staff didn’t like that at all. The guy recognised the Bank staff member’s voice but he wouldn’t give date of birth to any person who called him. He had no way of knowing if one of the phone lines was “crossed” and anybody else could hear the conversation. The Bank staff member tried asking for date of birth and was given the same reply each time.


  • We’ve done this many times but I think you need to keep updating, annually or something. It’s really getting out of hand now, but I will revisit the website and do again.


  • I have been on the ‘ Do Not Call ‘ register for many years and still get unwanted calls on my home phone.
    Luckily I do not seem to get them on the mobile.


  • I have been registered since the day it started and yet I still keep getting this pain in the bum calls. So annoying.

    • Aw, that is not good !! I so hoped this would help, I hate these phone calls !


  • We’ve been registered for years, no change. We now have disconnected our home phone and don’t answer private or unrecognised callers. If outs a hangup call, I Google the number, immediately you will see a huge amount of websites listing what the number is and if it’s listed as a nuisance. I then block it if I find it’s a nuisance. It’s amazing to check your phone log each day and see how many of these numbers tried to call you but your phone didn’t go off. If they leave a message, all you’ll hear is call centre noise or a legitimate message to respond to. Hope this helps, installed everyone else I’ve told.


  • I am listed on ‘Do Not Call’ register for over 8 years, and am still getting calls. The Fair Trade Corporation can not keep up with complaints.

    BTW, there is a scam going around where the people know you are on the list, and ask that you update your ‘subscription’ with them. Do


  • If you ever used a comparison site you will continue to get calls. Try blocking the numbers, I did this recently and got one from a ‘private number’, so they will use every trick, I am polite and say no thanks and hang up. They are just trying to earn a living like everyone else.


  • If only this worked – it’s like a lock on your door – it’s there to keep honest people honest. Same thing with this register.


  • The do not call register doesn’t stop them. I disconnected my house phone and only answer calls from numbers I know on my mobile


  • Yeah good luck with this both my wife’s phone & mine are on the Do Not Call Register along with the home phone & have been for along time. Does this actually stop them? NO IT DOES not we still get them from time to time & we both now get very abrupt with them & one of the first questions that we ask is where did you get this number from & a few other things as well & then we turn around and tell them we are on the Do Not Call Register & it is funny as to how quick they hang up. I have even threatened to report them to the authorities (there is a hefty fine for breaches) also be aware if they are calling from overseas it is hard for them to be prosecuted


  • I signed up to this register, and even installed a spam call blocker on my phone, yet I would still receive 10+ plus calls a day. I’ve had to change numbers, and only 4 people have my number. It’s been so peaceful but I hate the idea of having to change numbers again. It’s ridiculous


  • They always call at dinner time! So annoying!


  • This register changed our lives! No more spam calls each evening.


  • I never knew about this, thank you!


  • I am registered there, but still get quite some calls on my fixed line. Oh, checking the website I realized that my mobile wasn’t registered yet, so I did that too. Thank you!!


  • Unfortunately there are a lot of exemptions to this and the scammers also seem to be relentless.


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