
A mum who filmed herself laughing as her hysterical toddler screamed while being spun on a playground round-a-bout, has turned herself into the police.

The girl was yelling ‘I don’t like it’ as the round-a-bout was spinning while the mother giggled at her daughter’s reaction.

The mother, living in the UK, subsequently uploaded the clip to Facebook but was quickly swarmed by furious parents who have dubbed the video as ‘vile’, ‘evil’ and ‘child abuse’.

The video went viral and thousands of people told the mum she should report herself to police, with many claiming they had already reported her.

Just Having Fun

The mother vehemently denies any child abuse and said they were just ‘having fun’ and that the child was not traumatised, as many had claimed, as reported in the Daily Mail.

The video begins with a toddler, around two or three years old,  sitting in a dish roundabout park ride.

At first, the girl giggles, but then the mum starts to spin the ride faster and the girl screams: ‘I don’t like it, let me get out’ repeatedly as the mother laughs.

When the girl finally gets off the ride, she cries and obviously dizzy, stumbles sideways struggling to keep her balance – as the mother and the man filming laugh.

In another video, the mum then climbed into the round-a-bout with her child, as the man spins them around even faster.

The young girl again laughs but as the ride begins to get faster she starts to scream.

When the ride is stopped the girl again says ‘I don’t like it mummy, I don’t like it’ and she is lifted off onto the ground.

The kid immediately falls forward and lands on the ground and cries in pain while the two adults laugh in the background.

The man filming can be seen reaching out to pick her up by the arm, but as he does so the girl screams and says: ‘What are you doing?’ She then runs off to a different part of the park.

No Point Trying To Defend Myself

On her Facebook post, the mum admitted that: ‘It blew up so fast.

‘She’s happily asleep in bed. People are going on like I killed someone.’

She followed by with the comment: ‘I’m waiting on police.’

‘I called myself. They can see the videos and the rest around them, my child is perfectly happy and not traumatised. Let the police do their job.

‘Sharing it around the whole of Facebook won’t change anything. I can see how bad it looks yes, but no one was actually there. No point trying to defend myself though.’

Mum Was Blasted On Facebook

Some critics remarked on social media: ‘She needs reporting to social services, this is 110% child abuse.’

Another said: ‘This is disgusting and pure evil. I hope whoever she is and the loser filming it get a good smack.’

However, others argued that this was a bit overreaction: ‘Was it just me or did I miss something? Pretty sure everyone was spun around as a kid on one of these things.’

A spokesman for the Police said they could not help establish if the incident had been reported due to data protection laws.

Do you think this mum was being ‘evil’? Share your view in the comments.


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  • Oh goodness….. I would love to meet the parent that hasnt laughed at their child freaking out over something. You know they are safe.


  • The girl may have thought the guy was going to put her back on the ride.


  • Who’s to say the child didn’t keep asking to go on the ride and then got scared. My kids would beg to go on a ride, then started yelling to get off. Once off though they started screaming to get back on. No one was there to witness everything. At the same time, who was the man that she was so scared of.


  • I would fee like the worst mum ever if my child started screaming on a ride I spun around like mad. Poor little girl, she won’t trust her mum again on any rides etc.


  • I’d like to ask this Mum what was the purpose of filming this and why she found it so funny? And then… to load it to FB. A whole lot of wrong here, I think.


  • Pure overreaction. We have spun our kids in these before and laughed at our kids being dizzy. It’s not child abuse and our kids have always seemed to enjoy it.


  • Think this has been always going on – just not been put out there on social media before. Don’t think its child abuse, it is what happens – and how does any child know what happens if they are spun fast, or whether or not they will like it unless they have it done. As for the mum giggling, sometimes a happy giggle lets a child enjoy something they were not sure of. Over reaction.


  • Surely not nice of the parents to keep laughing while the child is clearly not having a nice time. They should have let her step out. No question asked. This little girl could develop some fears for life.


  • Well, it wasn’t great parenting, but I do think that calling it child abuse is a bit much.


  • As a child hatted fast rides and height and still do. This is a cruel thing to do, if child scared I would take them off not funny to lAUGH AT CHILDREN WHO ARE SCARED. iT DID HAPPEN TO ME AND i WAS SO SCARED FELL OFF. sO i AM NOT AMUSED BY THIS MOTHERS BEHAVIOUR


  • Wow! This really isn’t child abuse. I’m pretty sure my folks did the same to me as a kid. I think people need to be educated in determining what’s really abuse.


  • Dont think its child abuse and certainly doesnt warrant for being called evil. Or been told it’s getting reported to the police.
    And have seen far worse things parents laugh at on funniest home videos.
    Girl was having fun at the park, and just got a bit scared when the ride went to fast


  • This is not child abuse as it is done in the open. These rides sometimes take a while to slow down and to try to take the child off before it stops can be dangerous. Listen to your children and maybe do it at another time when child is older.


  • If the kid says stop you should stop I wouldn’t use the word evil though.

    • I agree – respect means listening to your children. Too think it is funny and to laugh at a child’s fear is wrong and sad!


  • It is a violation of trust and quite revolting to get any sort of pleasure from a child being scared and crying. The poor child! A parent’s job is to love and to protect and to listen to a child and not to laugh at them being scared and to continue to cause them stress. Shameful!


  • I don’t think she’s directly evil, not based on the facts of this story at least. These spin things are hard to stop and sometimes you just can’t help yourself but laugh at a situation.


  • I don’t think the mother is evil, however it is unkind to force a small child to endure something she did not like. Many adults freak out on amusement rides. I think is rather awful that the mother and male with her found the small child’s distress funny and filmed the little child for their amusement. Mother seems to be rather immature and some parenting classes are needed so she can learn how to become an attentive parent.


  • I’m not sure I would say it’s child abuse but definitely cruel and the child will end up with trust issues if the parent is doing this kind of thing to them.


  • As parents we need to listen to our children


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