

We had been planning a trip to Japan for years but at the last minute swapped it for a campervan holiday in New Zealand.

I guess the reality of travelling to a busy city with our two super active kids finally set in. I have zero regrets and am a total campervan holiday convert now. If you have little kids this just might be the perfect holiday style for you too.

No Fixed Itinerary Or Schedule

Travelling in a campervan gave us the opportunity to explore the countryside without a fixed itinerary and I can’t tell you how helpful it is being able to pull up if bub needed a nappy change or we found a nice spot for the kids to play.

All up we spent two weeks exploring the stunning South Island in new Zealand. I had been advised that if we could stretch our budget, a 6 berth campervan would make for a more comfortable trip for the 4 of us. I totally agree, having the third bed space allowed us to keep the kid’s bed set up for daytime naps and meant we didn’t need to make their bed every night.

Where We Stayed

We spent approximately half of our time staying in holiday parks and the other half totally off the grid in some amazing DOC run campsites. If you are planning on staying bush I would recommend downloading the Rankers Camping App, it is a great source for finding places to park up, just make sure you download the OFFLINE maps as there are a lot of areas without any telephone and wi-fi reception! I think if we had been a bit more organised we probably would have been able to DOC camp most nights, they are very economical and from what we experienced well maintained.

campervan holiday in new zealand

I was surprised by how relaxed and easy this campervan holiday was, even with a one and four year old. The campervan came supplied with all the bits and pieces we needed and New Zealand was a breeze to travel in. Aussies can travel without a visa (for short stays), your ATM card works everywhere and you can find a lot of the same products on their shelves. It was the perfect first overseas family holiday.

We can’t wait to get back there and explore the rest of this stunning (and I do mean seriously stunning) island.

Have you done a campervan holiday before? Share your tips below.

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  • My husband drove a campervan years ago, and refuses to ever do so again.


  • Have been to NZ twice once driving and staying in motels the other time a cruise. Would like to see more of the South so this might be the way to go


  • Yes, before children, my husband and I hired a motorhome and travelled around Tasmania. It was an amazing experience that I would love to do with the kids. It is defiantly on my bucket list.


  • I’ve always wanted to do a campervan holiday and want to go back to New Zealand!


  • A campervan is a great way to see the country side.


  • We did one when I was a kid and it was awesome. I cant wait until my son is a bit older and we can do one with him!


  • We love campervan holidays! No fixed routine, travel as far or as little as you like everyday; they are equipped with everything you could possibly need, and more! Space is a little limited though, so remember to only pack the minimum of clothes you will need and use soft bags not cases!

    • Do you own a campervan or rent it ?

      • We travel light too but ensure we have essentials.


  • Sounds lovely, but don’t know if a campervan holiday with the 6 of us (and from whom 2 have special needs) will be successful.

    • But maybe when the kids all left home and it’s just my husband & me it would be lovely to travel around in this way !


  • We love to camp and this style of travel and it is so relaxing!


  • What a fantastic option for a family holiday!


  • Looks so relaxing and nice to o getaway like that


  • I admire people who can do things like this because I wouldn’t be comfortable at all. I’ve travelled back and forth to England a number of times with small children and it didn’t worry me at all but being confined to a campervan, or camping out, just doesn’t do it for me.


  • I just worry about having my kids in a confined place.


  • Sucha create at to explore without the stress of a schdual


  • I’ve always loved the idea of doing this!!


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