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A 12-year-old girl who suffered severe burns in a house fire two days ago has died in hospital.

Alexis Dean became trapped in her bedroom during the blaze at her family home in Gympie, north of Brisbane, on Monday. She passed away early hours this morning and her family have said her organs will be donated to “give life to others”.

Firefighters entered the burning property to rescue her, but she had critical burns to her chest and was suffering from smoke inhalation.

Her mother and two other children escaped unharmed.

Alexis’ parents issued a statement saying she died early this morning in Brisbane Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital, after being airlifted from Gympie, reports ABC NEWS.

“We would like to thank the community for the support we have received during this very difficult time,” they said.

“We are grateful that Alexis was able to donate her organs and give life to others, and this was in keeping with how she always wanted to help others.

“We ask respectfully to now be left to grieve in private.”

A gofundme page was created to help the family during their time of need.

Our thoughts are with family and friends.

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Image via Facebook and GOfundme

  • A heartbreaking story ! Hope she didn’t suffer too much indeed ! My thoughts & prayers go out to her loved ones.


  • My prayers go out to this family. Hoping that she did not suffer too much and that they have followed her wishes for her organs. Such a hard thing to bear and live with.


  • My deepest sympathy to the beautiful girl’s family.
    One would hope she was unconscious from smoke inhalation before the flames reached her.


  • Poor little Alexis! So heartbreaking! 🙁


  • Very sad story,our thoughts and prayers are for the family.


  • What a heart wrenching story. So very sad


  • oh that is such sad news. Condolences to her family – What a beautiful thing to do by donating her organs for someone else – just a touching thing to do in such a sad time for them.


  • How very sad. My condolences to them.


  • Devastating. I will be praying for this family.


  • So sad for this young girl and her family.


  • sad


  • RIP Alexis. My thoughts are with her family


  • Such sad news. My heart goes out to this little girl and her family.


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