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It’s that time of the year again, we hurry busily through the shops looking for the perfect Christmas gift for the aunt who already has everything and for the child who doesn’t need anything.

With us there are thousands of other people in the same situation, all in a hurry and nobody seems to know what this perfect gift could be.

It is a very stressful time and sometimes we forget that this time should be about the spirit of Christmas, about relaxing and about love.

I decided this year to stop this madness. The presents that my children really wanted are already bought but then I still had to find the special present for the grandparents, the aunts, the nieces and the teachers.

Because I believe that Christmas should be more about love than commerce I decided on the following gifts:

  • Photo calendar for the grandparents, with our best photos from this year. You can either get crafty and create a calendar or photo book yourself at home or you can order one online. This is surely the perfect gift for a grandparent as they can see the love in this. This year I even included some of our children’s drawings and paintings to make it even more special.
  • For the aunties I got homemade soaps. I ordered them online at Madeit as I like the idea to support a local mum who gets a little extra income by selling a product that she made with love in her own home.
  • For the nieces and for the teachers I found some really nice and suitable products in the Find a Grandparent shop. This online shop only sells handmade products, including personalised gifts for children and very special stationary that I am sure will be very useful for a teacher.

With all the Christmas shopping done I can now truly relax and maybe start planning the baking and cooking for Christmas!

What special gifts have you bought or made this year for your loved ones?

Image courtesy of Shutterstock.com
  • I have decided I’m not doing Christmas presents anymore. My kids both have partners that I rarely see and know nothing about = no idea what to buy. Hubby is just plain fussy = no idea what to buy. Basically, I’m over stressing about what to buy and ending up buying what is not wanted and never used


  • Homemade gifts are a beautiful thing to give for any event. Love things with a personal touch.


  • There is some good ideas here.


  • some very good ideas thanks for sharing as it can be very stressful


  • we had home made vouchers from our daughter, better than wasting money on something we dont need.


  • Thanks for sharing this interesting article.


  • Great ideas thank you I had not heard of these sights


  • I try and put what I think every would love for Christmas on lay-by all threw the year so that all I have to do is woory about buying the food and drinks for chrssi


  • For the grandparents, the photo calender is a sure winner year after year.


  • I did a photo calendar for the grandparents and great grandparents too, I’m sure it’s not going to turn out perfect but they will just love it. 🙂


  • Thanks for your wonderful article. I am all finished as far as gifts are concerned, all purchased and all wrapped and under the tree.


  • Such great and beautiful ideas. Thanks.


  • I’ve increasingly found Christamas for the immediate family easy and the trouble and stress only begins when you have to start buying for people you rarely see and then having to organise postage etc


  • Thank you for the helpful tips.


  • I’ve had great success with presents this year – photo of Nan and the Grandkids in a frame for her; photo calendar for sister; Typo lightbox and ‘letters’ of her name for my teen niece, Go Pro for hubby, Vivo Garmin for my teen son. It’s been great, well-planned and I’m relatively stress-free.


  • I agree with not allowing Christmas to be stressful….
    Enjoy the fact that you have family….
    This is my first Christmas without my Mum.
    Over the years my family has dwindled so now I have a brother and my daughters but there are lots of angels over looking us.


  • I’m stuck for ideas! I was going to make christmas Balls or lolly jars or make some home made biscuits.


  • Good ideas, I love home made soaps as gifts.


  • I am going to write out a poem and put it in a nice frame and put it at the cemetery for my daughter. I will also make her a hand made Christmas card. I also made hand made cards for my close friends for Christmas.


  • I’ve got a family photo done an I’m going to frame it for my mum an MIL


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