
Babies in Western Australia will be the first in the nation to receive the world’s first all-infant immunisation against the potentially deadly RSV infection.

The roll out will begin in April for babies under eight months old, and from May it will be available at birthing hospitals for newborns, ahead of the winter months.

Babies aged between eight and 19 months who have serious medial conditions will also be eligible, if their doctor recommends RSV protective antibodies.

RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) is a highly contagious and sometimes series respiratory virus that usually sees a spike in winter. Although most cases are mild, it can lead to more serious lung infections including bronchiolitis or pneumonia in children.

“RSV is the number one illness that could put your baby in hospital this winter. It’s an insidious disease, and little ones are the worst affected,” WA Premier Roger Cook said.

“We’ll be the first State in the country to offer this immunisation, which works immediately to protect against serious illness and hospitalisation.”

The Immunisation Foundation of Australia has welcomed the rollout, saying it will keep hundreds of babies out of hospital. The organisation is calling for other Australian states to follow suit.

“The rollout of Beyfortus in WA this year will provide learnings for other states and the Commonwealth on how to design and deliver a large-scale immunisation program to protect all infants against RSV. This must be a national health priority,” said Catherine Hughes AM, Founder and Director of the Immunisation Foundation of Australia.

RSV is the number one cause of hospitalisation of Australian children under five-years-old, leading to an average of 12,000 Australian infant hospitalisations each year.

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  • This should be for ALL babies, everywhere! not just in WA


  • I’m glad that they’re offering more immunisations for free. WA leading the way


  • I’m glad that more vaccines are being offered for free. Obviously it’s up to the parents but it’s a great service. My little one is booked in for the hep b one tomorrow which is now free.


  • Vaccinations for most things should be free. They’re a public good.


  • Such a pity that the other states here in Australia aren’t following the WA governement.


  • Great news, there are too many bubbies out there who suffer greatly from RSV. Bring on the immunisation.


  • RSV can cause bronchiolitis and pneumonia, which can be very serious by young children ! My youngest was several times hospitalized and admitted to ICU with this


  • I’m all for vaccinating my kids with everything I can get my hands on!


  • Good news. In this day and age, babies should not be dying from things like RSV.


  • Thank goodness for science and the availability of immunisations.


  • Sorry but not a believer in vaccinations. Please do not hate – I have my valid and factual reasons to objecting.

    • No hate, respect for speaking that out !


  • I do worry about my 11 month old being in daycare as we come into winter. The more protection we can give these little people, the better.


  • This is really great news!


  • Technology like this is so important when it comes to saving the lives of our little ones. Well done WA! ????????


  • That’s great for all babies to come.


  • I’m lucky none of my kids have ever had this but this is great for all those in WA with babies. Hopefully they follow suit in the other States.


  • Great move, hope other states and other countries follow


  • I really hopeall states get it – it’s always a worry when your children get sick no matter what.
    Great incentive for the rest of Australia to follow suit!


  • What a great initiative, hopefully will be available in all states for all babies


  • This is a great outcome that hopefully will benefit so many babies


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