

A five-year-old girl who was tortured and repeatedly raped by her mother’s boyfriend is afraid of sleeping in her room on her own or in the dark, and also now hates the colour red.

*WARNING – Distressing content

The Queensland man, who can’t be named for legal reasons, had started a relationship with his victim’s mother in June, 2014, after advertising on a dating site as looking for a woman with a child.

The man’s first attack occurred six months after the couple first met, The Courier Mail reported. Her tormentor threatened to stab her with a knife if she told anyone.

As her mother slept the young girl was raped and tortured with a burning cigarette in the man’s carport, connected to the north-of-Brisbane home.

The girl’s mother found out about the sexual abuse and torture one night when she found her young daughter outside with the man after yet another attack.

The mother rescued her daughter, who had been tied up during the assault.

The child then revealed to police that she had also been raped by the man at her grandmother’s house six months prior to him being caught.

The man plead guilty to seven charges including four counts of rape, possession of child exploitation material and torture before Brisbane District Court.

He has been sentenced to ten years behind bars, a minimum of eight years without parole.

The Courier Mail reports, “In tying her up and burning her you seemed to be playing out some adult sex fantasy of your own, related to bondage,” Judge Brendan Butler said, as he sentenced the man.

He said it was the “most humiliating treatment” of a five-year-old girl and showed callous disregard for her.

“You treated her in a dehumanised way, as a sexual object. You were clearly uncaring about the impact it would have in the future.

“That was in circumstances where the mother had trusted you.”

His young victim still lives in fear more than a year after the abuse was stopped.

She is now afraid of sleeping in her room on her own or in the dark. The court also heard the girl’s grandparents were forced to sell their car because it was red – her attacker’s favourite colour.

If you are experiencing sexual assault or domestic and family violence please contact 1800 RESPECT

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  • He got 10 years for destroying her life-unbelievable!


  • Please parents be so very, very careful of you let into your lives when you have young children.
    Dont allow new partners to stay over or to be left alone with your children.
    Take things very slowly. If the person is worth having in your life they will respect you for taking things slowly and putting your children first. They will be happy to follow your rules and they will be willing to move at your pace. If they complain then show them the door. Better to be alone then to have someone in your life that may harm your child.


  • What an absolute monster. That poor child.


  • I would have killed him, i would have certainly attempted to kill him on the spot when I found out he tortured and raped my child… This man will be out soon enough, to rape and torture again. This legal system is a fucking joke. Seriously. I hope he gets raped repeatedly in jail. And for the mother not to notice something, not to realise her child is going through this on a regular basis? unimaginable.


  • How appalling – for both mother and child.


  • Absolutely disgusting. That poor girl. :( I think the fact he was looking for a partner with a child should’ve been a red flag.


  • Oh my goodness. That poor children.
    10 years is not enough


  • 10 years is hardly enough for such a disgusting crime!

    I hope the poor girl gets lots of support and help.


  • Minimum of eight years is a joke. He will be out and worse than before.


  • the sentence is horrible. The woman should be partly to blame. How can you not notice a change in your child behaviour or the burns. This is ridiculous this is still going on. Why is he still alive? He will be raped in prison. I would have killed him when I found out. Its a wonder she didn’t.


  • I’m just curious though….. how did the mother not see any of the burns?? Surely she was present while her daughter bathed? Helped her dress? Little sus in my opinion.

    Anywhoo. I do hope this little tike comes good soon. It\’s a very very sad messed up world we live in.


  • I would be suss of someome specifically asking to date someone with a child (unless they had their own or couldn’t have any but wanted them)


  • Poor baby – wish I could just hug her!! Why Why Why – just go find a prostitute!! Cut off his d*%k :(


  • What a crap sentence for a horrendous crime. The poor little girl!


  • This monster needs to be locked up for life. Anyone who is capable of such violent and callous acts to a child is beyond rehabilitation.


  • If the guy didn’t gag the girl she would have screamed when he burnt her. Maybe that’s how the Mum found out. I suspect this girl will need counselling for a long time, possibly well into adulthood. I know of a 5 or 6 y.o. girl that suffered the fate from her own Father. She suffered internal bleeding and that is how her Mum found out about it. He was minding his daughter while the Mum was at work. Even after 12 months of counselling she would not go near a man even if she knew him well. She would literally “freeze” on the spot. Her Mum had to have her transferred to a class that had no male teachers, including sport.


  • This is so sad. How could that man do such a thing to a little girl? :-(
    It will be a very long process for her to heal. :-(


  • Shocking story and the child was 5 years old,l hope she gets all the help she needs to recover from this and can in time live a normal life.


  • oh my how utterly disgusting and terrible for this little girl – my heart breaks that any child could be treated like this. I dont think his sentence is long enough for the life long fear and memories that she will have to endure.


  • Simply horrendous. The child was burnt with a cigarette, how did the mother not notice? Surely there were changes in the girls behaviour, how could the mother not notice? Some women are too desperate to be in a relationship, they forget the children. I hope this man is locked up for a very long time!


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