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How does one sign up to receive the newsletter? I see it is something that one is meant to do, but this is something...

7 Answers

Maternity Leave

Hi, I have a query does anyone know if your on Unpaid Maternity leave (12 months) can you get casual employment with another...

3 Answers

Cost of living

Ah the cost of living is killing us. I did a budget over the Christmas period and after all bills, we’ve got $80...

10 Answers

Wanting more Surveys

Hi can anyone please recommend any good companies to complete surveys through that offer a good rewards program? I’m currently doing pure profile...

15 Answers

How can I get back into the workforce?

It’s been over 8 years since I quit my job to be a stay at home mum and I am wanting to get...

11 Answers

work or study

I am currently working as an LSO 2 days per week (for the last 6 years). I have been studying teaching since 2021...

24 Answers

Family Tax Benefit

Has anyone had any experience with Centrelink and Family Tax Benefits. I assumed that when I provided my estimated family income each year that...

13 Answers

The Uni Revue

Are there any other fellow Tasmanians out there who love the Uni Revue? I went and saw it last night and it was...

15 Answers

Cost of living

Why is the cost of living too high? The rent is becoming too hard to keep up with because other bills needs to...

37 Answers

Tips on saving money

I’m a mum of 4 children and am struggling with saving money, I try to put money aside for emergencies plus things for...

33 Answers

Money saving tips

With the next interest rate rise pushing us over. Send us all your easy money saving tips. Feeling the pressure now in the...

36 Answers

What is a good career choice for a mum?

With my youngest off to school soon, I’d love to look into a career change but it also needs to suit school hours....

37 Answers

Teachers Gifts – When did it become a thing?

Hi! I’m a 30 year old FTM. I’ve only had my bub this year but I’ve noticed a lot...

37 Answers

Bank accounts vs investments

We currently pay $10 each child into their own bank accounts. Any better way to gain some extra cash? Long term savings, investments...

19 Answers

How do you know when its time to leave a role you ...

I’ve been working for an organisation for approximately 2 years and I don’t feel any connection to it....

22 Answers

Best tool to help taking minutes

What are your tips and tricks and tools for someone who has been told they have to take board minutes with no training....

13 Answers

Has anyone used Review By You?

Is it legit?

17 Answers

The pressure of mortgage rises, cost of food, petr...

What tips do you have to ensure you can cope with everything going up in price? Mortgages, food,...

29 Answers

What is wrong if I don’t exude enough authority ...

I feel like I need more control and be vocal and reinstate my authority over my team when...

4 Answers

Best stay home jobs on maternity leave?

Hi everyone! I am on maternity leave at the moment and really would like to earn a bit more cash! I am wondering...

34 Answers

How do you take time out for yourself?

I never have time for me. Look after the kids, run the household and work full time.

23 Answers

Tips for cutting back on buying drinks whilst out?

Any tips on cutting back on buying Cafe drinks whilst out and about. I have a perfectly good...

24 Answers

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